August 20th: What is special about this date?

August 20th marks the 232nd day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 233rd in case of leap years). There are 133 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on August 20th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to August 20th and what happened on August 20th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about August 20th.


August 20th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On August 20th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Andrew Garfield
    Andrew Garfield (1983)

    Andrew garfield is a british-american actor known for his roles in the social network and the amazing spider-man series.

  • Amy Adams
    Amy Adams (1974)

    Amy adams is an american actress known for her versatile roles in films such as enchanted, american hustle, and arrival.

  • Demi Lovato
    Demi Lovato (1992)

    American singer-songwriter, musician, and actress.

  • Fred Durst
    Fred Durst (1970)

    Fred durst is an american singer best known as the lead vocalist of the band limp bizkit.

  • Misha Collins
    Misha Collins (1974)

    American actor and director.

  • Ben Barnes
    Ben Barnes (1981)

    Ben barnes is an english actor known for his roles in the chronicles of narnia series and the tv series westworld.

  • James Marsters
    James Marsters (1962)

    James marsters is an american actor best known for his role as the vampire spike in the television series buffy the vampire slayer.

  • Gerald McRaney
    Gerald McRaney (1947)

    Gerald mcraney is an american actor known for his roles in television series such as simon & simon, major dad, and this is us.

  • Ron Paul
    Ron Paul (1935)

    American politician and physician, paul is an active member and nominee of the libertarian party for president in 1988.

  • Joan Allen
    Joan Allen (1956)

    American actress who can play both lead and supporting roles on screen and stage.

  • See more celebrities born on August 20th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


August 20th: who died on this date?

On August 20th the following celebrities died:

  • Phyllis Diller
    Phyllis Diller (2012)

    American comedian who burst onto the stage in san francisco in 1954 wearing a sequined minidress, an orange fright-wig and gold ankle-high...

  • Jerry Lewis
    Jerry Lewis (2017)

    American comedian, writer, actor and producer.

  • Ilona Massey
    Ilona Massey (1974)

    Hungarian-born American actress and singer who appeared in several Hollywood films.

  • Ulla Jacobsson
    Ulla Jacobsson (1982)

    Swedish actress, perhaps most well-known for her role as the only female speaker in the film zulu.

  • Ruhama Goldberg (2015)

    Esteemed researcher in the field of biotechnology, known for groundbreaking discoveries.

  • Aulora Smith (2015)

    Bestselling author known for her captivating novels that have touched the hearts of many.

  • Elmore Leonard (2013)

    Elmore Leonard was a professional baseball pitcher who played in the Negro leagues.

  • Stefhanie Tubbs Jones (2008)

    First African-American woman to represent Ohio in the U.S.

  • Sircharles Sedley (1701)

    Celebrated playwright of the Restoration era.

  • Otillia Lindemann (1933)

    Renowned German soprano known for her performances in leading opera houses.

  • See all famous people who died on August 20th


August 20th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On August 20th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Leo according to the Western Zodiac.

Leo zodiac sign

August 20th: what is special about the Leo sign?

The Leo sign encompasses people born between July 23rd and August 22nd.

You can discover Leo's personality traits and attitude and Leo's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Leo born in August discover why August born are so special.


August 20th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on August 20th in history:

  • Aug 20, 1919: Wichita outfielder Joe Wilhoit (Western League) fails to get a hit, ending a 69-game streak
  • Aug 20, 1921: 35th US Womens Tennis: Molla B Mallory beats M Browne
  • Aug 20, 1930: Dumont's first TV broadcast for home reception (New York City).
  • Aug 20, 1948: 15th NFL Chicago All-Star Game: Chi Cards 28, All-Stars 0
  • Aug 20, 1957: Simply Heavenly opens at Playhouse Theater NYC for 62 performances
  • Aug 20, 1960: USSR recovers 2 dogs, 1st living organisms to return from space
  • Aug 20, 1975: Viking 1 launched to orbit around Mars, soft landing
  • Aug 20, 1978: Tatyana Providokhina runs female world record 1k
  • Aug 20, 1983: Miss National Teen-Ager
  • Aug 20, 1986: Mail carrier Patrick Sherrill, Edmond Ok, shot 14 fellow workers dead
  • Aug 20, 2006: The Democratic Republic of Congo's presidential election is now headed towards a run-off election, with nearly all votes having been counted. The provisional results show Joseph Kabila receiving 44.81 percent, to Jean Pierre Bemba's 20,03.3 percent. Reports of automatic gunfire were reported by MLC representatives. Kabila's Republican Guard was accused of shooting one of its members and injuring three officers.
  • Aug 20, 2013: Russian police kill nine suspected Islamist militants during an insurgency in North Caucasus

What day of the year is August 20th?

August 20th marks the 232nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 233rd in case of leap years).

There are 133 days remaining until the end of the year.

August 20th is the 20th day of the month of August.