November 20th: What is special about this date?

November 20th marks the 324th day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 325th in case of leap years). There are 41 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on November 20th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to November 20th and what happened on November 20th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about November 20th.


November 20th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On November 20th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Bo Derek
    Bo Derek (1956)

    American actress who earned $35,000 and gained a reputation for being the epitome beauty with her perfect 5'4" figure in "10".

  • Sean Young
    Sean Young (1959)

    American actress who has appeared onscreen since 1977.

  • Richard Dawson
    Richard Dawson (1932)

    Richard dawson was a british-american actor and comedian best known for hosting the game show family feud.

  • Phyllis Thaxter
    Phyllis Thaxter (1919)

    Phyllis Thaxter was an American actress best known for her roles in films such as 'Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo' and 'Superman'.

  • Veronica Hamel
    Veronica Hamel (1943)

    American producer and actress.

  • Estelle Parsons
    Estelle Parsons (1927)

    American actress and award-winning actress.

  • Reginald Denny
    Reginald Denny (1891)

    Reginald Denny was an English actor who appeared in many Hollywood films during the early 20th century.

  • Nadine Velazquez
    Nadine Velazquez (1978)

    American model and actress.

  • Tusshar Kapoor
    Tusshar Kapoor (1976)

    Indian bollywood actor and producer.

  • Dan Byrd
    Dan Byrd (1985)

    American actor.

  • See more celebrities born on November 20th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


November 20th: who died on this date?

On November 20th the following celebrities died:

  • Keith Michell
    Keith Michell (2015)

    Adelaide, south australia -- actor (6 wives of henry viii).

  • Lynn Bari
    Lynn Bari (1989)

    Roanoke (virginia) -- actress (connie detective wife earthbound).

  • Queen Alexandra
    Queen Alexandra (1925)

    The united kingdom (born 1844).

  • Antion Tolstoy (1910)

    Antion Tolstoy was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest novelists of all time, known for his works 'War and Peace' and...

  • Braxson Tolstoy (1910)

    Braxson Tolstoy was a Russian novelist and philosopher, known for his epic novels 'War and Peace' and 'Anna Karenina', which explored themes...

  • Brezlyn Tolstoy (1910)

    Brezlyn Tolstoy was a renowned Russian novelist and philosopher, best known for his epic novels 'War and Peace' and 'Anna Karenina', which...

  • Eisen Tolstoy (1910)

    Eisen Tolstoy was a renowned Russian novelist and philosopher, best known for his epic novels 'War and Peace' and 'Anna Karenina'.

  • Odesser Tolstoy (1910)

    Odesser Tolstoy was a Russian novelist and philosopher, best known for his epic novels 'War and Peace' and 'Anna Karenina'.

  • Adriella Tolstoy (1910)

    Adriella Tolstoy was a Russian novelist and philosopher, best known for his epic novels 'War and Peace' and 'Anna Karenina'.

  • See all famous people who died on November 20th


November 20th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On November 20th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Scorpio according to the Western Zodiac.

Scorpio zodiac sign

November 20th: what is special about the Scorpio sign?

The Scorpio sign encompasses people born between October 23rd and November 21st.

You can discover Scorpio's personality traits and attitude and Scorpio's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Scorpio born in November discover why November born are so special.


November 20th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on November 20th in history:

  • Nov 20, 1902: Geo Lefevre and Henri Desgrange create Tour de France bicycle race
  • Nov 20, 1911: Gustav Mahlers Tie Song of the Erde premieres in Munich
  • Nov 20, 1914: US State Department starts requiring photographs for passports.
  • Nov 20, 1932: Earthquake at Uden Netherlands
  • Nov 20, 1944: 1st Japanse suicide submarine attack
  • Nov 20, 1950: T. S. Eliot speaks against television in the UK.
  • Nov 20, 1951: Snowdonia becomes a National Park
  • Nov 20, 1953: Scott Crossfield in Douglas Skyrocket, first to break Mach 2 (1300mph).
  • Nov 20, 1961: WPLG TV channel 10 in Miami, Florida (ABC) begins broadcasting
  • Nov 20, 1993: Jakovlev-42 crashes into mountain at Ohrid Macedonia, 116 killed
  • Nov 20, 1996: The 1996 Garley Building fire occurred in Hong Kong, resulting in 41 deaths and 81 injuries.
  • Nov 20, 2001: Washington, D.C. - President George W. Bush dedicates United States Department of Justice Headquarters Building as the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building, in honor of Robert F. Kennedy's 76th birthday.

What day of the year is November 20th?

November 20th marks the 324th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 325th in case of leap years).

There are 41 days remaining until the end of the year.

November 20th is the 20th day of the month of November.