July 26th: What is special about this date?

July 26th marks the 207th day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 208th in case of leap years). There are 158 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on July 26th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to July 26th and what happened on July 26th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about July 26th.


July 26th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On July 26th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Sandra Bullock
    Sandra Bullock (1964)

    American actress and producer.

  • Jason Statham
    Jason Statham (1967)

    Jason statham is a british actor known for his roles in action films such as the transporter series and the fast & furious franchise.

  • Mick Jagger
    Mick Jagger (1943)

    British singer, songwriter, actor and musician.

  • Kate Beckinsale
    Kate Beckinsale (1973)

    Kate beckinsale is a british actress known for her roles in the underworld film series and for her work in various action and drama films.

  • Walter Brennan
    Walter Brennan (1894)

    Walter brennan was an american actor known for his distinctive voice and performances in over 200 films, winning three academy awards for...

  • Taylor Momsen
    Taylor Momsen (1993)

    Taylor momsen is an american singer and actress known for her role as jenny humphrey in the tv show gossip girl and as the lead vocalist of...

  • Kevin Spacey
    Kevin Spacey (1959)

    American actor.

  • Helen Mirren
    Helen Mirren (1945)

    British actress and winner of a variety of awards.

  • Alice Taglioni
    Alice Taglioni (1976)

    She was a french actress, of corsican heritage.

  • Elizabeth Gillies
    Elizabeth Gillies (1993)

    Elizabeth gillies is an american actress known for her role as jade west on the tv show victorious.

  • See more celebrities born on July 26th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


July 26th: who died on this date?

On July 26th the following celebrities died:

  • Olivia de Havilland
    Olivia de Havilland (2020)

    Olivia de havilland was a british-born actress known for her roles in classic films such as 'gone with the wind' and 'the adventures of...

  • June Foray
    June Foray (2017)

    Legendary voice actress known for voicing many iconic animated characters.

  • Russi Taylor
    Russi Taylor (2019)

    American voice actress (d. 2019).

  • Lupe Ontiveros
    Lupe Ontiveros (2012)

    American actress and producer (d.2012).

  • Terry Scott
    Terry Scott (1994)

    British actor (born 1927).

  • Lilian Harvey
    Lilian Harvey (1968)

    British actress (congress dances).

  • Eva Perón (1952)

    Argentine actress, who was active in radio and films before she married juan peron on 10/21/1945.

  • Ikeya Seki (1962)

    Renowned Japanese astronomer known for his discovery of several comets.

  • Tawfiq al-Hakim (1987)

    Renowned Egyptian playwright known for his works blending Western and Arab influences.

  • Yun Wang (2004)

    Renowned physicist known for contributions to quantum mechanics.

  • See all famous people who died on July 26th


July 26th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On July 26th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Leo according to the Western Zodiac.

Leo zodiac sign

July 26th: what is special about the Leo sign?

The Leo sign encompasses people born between July 23rd and August 22nd.

You can discover Leo's personality traits and attitude and Leo's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Leo born in July discover why July born are so special.


July 26th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on July 26th in history:

  • Jul 26, 1915: International School for Wijsbegeerte forms
  • Jul 26, 1942: RAF bombs Hamburg
  • Jul 26, 1950: KNIL (Royal Dutch East Indies Army) unites
  • Jul 26, 1952: King Farouk of Egypt abdicates in favor of his son Fuad.
  • Jul 26, 1959: Betsy Rawls wins LPGA Western Golf Open
  • Jul 26, 1988: Mike Schmidt sets NL record appearing in 2,155 games at 3rd base, as Phillies and New York Mets end that game at 2:13 AM
  • Jul 26, 1998: 19th US Senior Golf Open ends at Riviera Country Club - Pacific Palisades, California
  • Jul 26, 1999: The last Checker taxi cab is retired in New York City and auctioned off for approximately US$135,000.
  • Jul 26, 2004: To July 29, John Kerry and John Edwards were nominated by the Democratic National Convention in Boston Massachusetts for President and Vice President, respectively.
  • Jul 26, 2010: The US Mint has released the 2010 Yosemite Park quarter dollar.
  • Jul 26, 2011: In an attempt to control inflation, the Reserve Bank of India raises interest rates to 8.8%
  • Jul 26, 2014: 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict : Israel agrees that it will halt its offensive on Gaza Strip, while negotiations for a wider ceasefire continue. Hamas continues to violate the ceasefire. (New York Times). The death toll from this offensive is more than 900. (AFP via Manila Bulletin). Fox News reports that Israel extended the ceasefire for four hours and is considering further extensions, while Hamas refuses to extend.

What day of the year is July 26th?

July 26th marks the 207th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 208th in case of leap years).

There are 158 days remaining until the end of the year.

July 26th is the 26th day of the month of July.