November 7th: What is special about this date?

November 7th marks the 311th day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 312th in case of leap years). There are 54 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on November 7th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to November 7th and what happened on November 7th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about November 7th.


November 7th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On November 7th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Kamal Haasan
    Kamal Haasan (1954)

    Kamal Haasan is a renowned Indian actor, producer, and entrepreneur who has made significant contributions to the film industry.

  • Anushka Shetty
    Anushka Shetty (1981)

    Anushka shetty is an indian actress known for her work in telugu and tamil cinema, and she gained widespread recognition for her role in the...

  • Marcus Luttrell
    Marcus Luttrell (1975)

    Marcus luttrell is a former us navy seal known for his heroic actions during operation red wings in afghanistan, which inspired the book and...

  • Albert Camus
    Albert Camus (1913)

    French essayist, novelist, and dramatist.

  • David Guetta
    David Guetta (1967)

    French disc jockey and producer of house music, he was born to a moroccan jewish father (restaurateur), and a belgian mom.

  • Billy Graham
    Billy Graham (1918)

    American evangelist.

  • Joan Sutherland
    Joan Sutherland (1926)

    An australian singer and a prominent 20th-century coloratura operatic soprano, "las stupenda.

  • Su Pollard
    Su Pollard (1949)

    British singer and zany comedian, who first rose to fame on the tv's "hi-de-hi" from january 1980 to january 1988.

  • Barry Newman
    Barry Newman (1938)

    American actor (d. 2023).

  • Dean Jagger
    Dean Jagger (1903)

    Actor in the united states (mr novak rawhide, oscar), has died at around 87 years old (born 1903).

  • See more celebrities born on November 7th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


November 7th: who died on this date?

On November 7th the following celebrities died:

  • Steve McQueen
    Steve McQueen (1980)

    American actor known for his tough-guy roles.

  • Dean Stockwell
    Dean Stockwell (2021)

    American child actor.

  • Howard Keel
    Howard Keel (2004)

    American actor and singer (d. 2004).

  • Nida Blanca
    Nida Blanca (2001)

    Filipino actress (b. 1936).

  • Victor McLaglen
    Victor McLaglen (1959)

    Actor, gunga din, dies at 72 from a heart attack.

  • Dwight Frye
    Dwight Frye (1943)

    Actor (vampire bat and dracula), died at 44.

  • Paolo Carlini
    Paolo Carlini (1979)

    Italian stage, television, and film actor who appeared in 45 films from 1940 to 1979.

  • Larry Kent
    Larry Kent (1967)

    Director (high stakes), dies at 67.

  • Eleanor Roosevelt (1962)

    Longest-serving First Lady of the United States and a prominent human rights activist.

  • Matelyn Dunham (2016)

    Former US Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate.

  • See all famous people who died on November 7th


November 7th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On November 7th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Scorpio according to the Western Zodiac.

Scorpio zodiac sign

November 7th: what is special about the Scorpio sign?

The Scorpio sign encompasses people born between October 23rd and November 21st.

You can discover Scorpio's personality traits and attitude and Scorpio's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Scorpio born in November discover why November born are so special.


November 7th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on November 7th in history:

  • Nov 7, 1900: Battle of Leliefontein, a battle during which the Royal Canadian Dragoons win three Victoria Crosses.
  • Nov 7, 1910: The first air freight shipment (from Dayton, Ohio, to Columbus, Ohio) is undertaken by the Wright Brothers and department store owner Max Moorehouse.
  • Nov 7, 1915: Austrian submarine torpedoes Italian passenger ship
  • Nov 7, 1942: Bicyclist Fausto Coppi establishes world record
  • Nov 7, 1944: FDR wins 4th term in office, defeating Thomas E Dewey
  • Nov 7, 1950: French women and children leaves Hanoi / Tonkin-delta
  • Nov 7, 1988: MLB all stars beats Japan 16-8 (Game 3 of 7)
  • Nov 7, 1993: Betsy King wins LPGA Toray Japan Queens Cup Golf Tournament
  • Nov 7, 2004: War in Iraq: As U.S. forces attack the stronghold of Fallujah, the interim government of Iraq has called for a 60-day "state of emergency" to end the insurgent rebellion.
  • Nov 7, 2010: Al-Shabaab, a Somali Islamist militant group, threatens more attacks in Burundi or Uganda as a retaliation to their participation in an African Union peacekeeping mission in the country. Seven people have been killed during fighting in Mogadishu's capital.
  • Nov 7, 2011: The Swedish Enforcement Administration ('’Kronofogden’’) announces the sale of seven paintings that were originally thought to have been painted by Adolf Hitler.
  • Nov 7, 2014: 2014 military intervention against ISIS: President Barack Obama orders 1500 more troops to Iraq.

What day of the year is November 7th?

November 7th marks the 311th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 312th in case of leap years).

There are 54 days remaining until the end of the year.

November 7th is the 7th day of the month of November.