December 21st: What is special about this date?

December 21st marks the 355th day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 356th in case of leap years). There are 10 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on December 21st, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to December 21st and what happened on December 21st in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about December 21st.


December 21st: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On December 21st there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Jane Fonda
    Jane Fonda (1937)

    American actress, who has at times been a sexpot and a feminist, a politician, a producer of exercise videos, a businesswoman,...

  • Kiefer Sutherland
    Kiefer Sutherland (1966)

    British-american actor, noted family, kiefer william frederick dempsey george rufus sutherland is a twin.

  • Corinne Touzet
    Corinne Touzet (1959)

    French actress, comedian on tv, producer and producer of west indian descent.

  • Julie Delpy
    Julie Delpy (1969)

    French actress; well-known internationally.

  • Jane Kaczmarek
    Jane Kaczmarek (1955)

    Tv actress.

  • Ray Romano
    Ray Romano (1957)

    American comedian, with a droning, worried tone, is the star of "everybody loves raymond" 1996.

  • Andy Dick
    Andy Dick (1965)

    American comedian and actor.

  • Paul Meurisse
    Paul Meurisse (1912)

    French actor and fianca(c), of singer edith piaf.

  • Steven Yeun
    Steven Yeun (1983)

    Tv actor.

  • Phil Donahue
    Phil Donahue (1935)

    American television personality.

  • See more celebrities born on December 21st

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


December 21st: who died on this date?

On December 21st the following celebrities died:

  • Ted Healy
    Ted Healy (1937)

    American screenwriter and actor (d. 1937).

  • Billie Whitelaw
    Billie Whitelaw (2014)

    Coventry (england) -- actress (omens, adding machine).

  • Richard Long
    Richard Long (1974)

    American author and historian (d. 2013).

  • Ebb Fitzgerald (1940)

    Ebb Fitzgerald was a celebrated American author and one of the key figures of the 'Lost Generation' in 1920s Paris.

  • Jersee Fitzgerald (1940)

    Jersee Fitzgerald was a renowned American novelist of the 20th century, best known for his masterpiece 'The Great Gatsby', which is...

  • Trason Fitzgerald (1940)

    Trason Fitzgerald was an American novelist and short story writer, best known for his novel 'The Great Gatsby', which is considered a...

  • Hadli Fitzgerald (1940)

    Hadli Fitzgerald was an American novelist and short story writer, known for his novels depicting the Jazz Age.

  • Garrell Fitzgerald (1940)

    Garrell Fitzgerald was an Irish playwright and novelist, best known for his novel 'The Great Gatsby' and its exploration of the Jazz Age.

  • Keldric Fitzgerald (1940)

    Keldric Fitzgerald was an American novelist who is best known for his novel 'The Great Gatsby'.

  • Keiston Fitzgerald (1940)

    Keiston Fitzgerald was an American novelist and short story writer, best known for his novel 'The Great Gatsby'.

  • See all famous people who died on December 21st


December 21st: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On December 21st, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Sagittarius according to the Western Zodiac.

Sagittarius zodiac sign

December 21st: what is special about the Sagittarius sign?

The Sagittarius sign encompasses people born between November 22nd and December 21st.

You can discover Sagittarius's personality traits and attitude and Sagittarius's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Sagittarius born in December discover why December born are so special.


December 21st: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on December 21st in history:

  • Dec 21, 1909: 1st junior high school established
  • Dec 21, 1915: 25.83 cm (10.17 inches) of rainfall, Glenora Oregon (state record).
  • Dec 21, 1945: Billion Dollar Baby opens at Alvin Theater NYC for 219 performances
  • Dec 21, 1952: WSBT TV channel 22 in South Bend, IN (CBS) begins broadcasting
  • Dec 21, 1966: USSR launches Luna 13; soft-landed in Oceanus Procellarum
  • Dec 21, 1981: Cincinnati beats Bradley 75-73 in 7 overtimes (NCAA record).
  • Dec 21, 1985: Alice Miller / Don January wins LPGA Mazda Golf Championship
  • Dec 21, 1988: New York bound Pan Am jumbo jet explodes over Scotland all 258 aboard die
  • Dec 21, 1995: San Francisco Giants announce plans to build a new stadium to open in 2000.
  • Dec 21, 2002: Units of the French Foreign Legion based in the Cote D'Ivoire have come in contact with rebels moving southward from Man. Commander of the French force Colonel Emmanuel Maurin stated that "between what we have here, and the river, they will not pass."
  • Dec 21, 2004: Iraq War: 22 were killed by a suicide bomber at the forward operational base near the main U.S. military aircraft at Mosul. This was the single most deadly suicide attack on American soldiers.
  • Dec 21, 2014: Elton John, a British singer-songwriter, marries David Furnish, a filmmaker.

What day of the year is December 21st?

December 21st marks the 355th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 356th in case of leap years).

There are 10 days remaining until the end of the year.

December 21st is the 21st day of the month of December.