December 29th: What is special about this date?

December 29th marks the 363rd day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 364th in case of leap years). There are 2 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on December 29th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to December 29th and what happened on December 29th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about December 29th.


December 29th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On December 29th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Patricia Clarkson
    Patricia Clarkson (1959)

    Award-winning actress known for her roles in films like The Green Mile and Pieces of April.

  • Jude Law
    Jude Law (1972)

    Renowned actor who has also shown interest and skill in sports.

  • Jon Voight
    Jon Voight (1938)

    American actor, who received oscar nominations for movies such as 1969's "deliverance", and "midnight cowboy" in addition to a few minor...

  • Ted Danson
    Ted Danson (1947)

    American actor.

  • Diego Luna
    Diego Luna (1979)

    Mexican actor, director and producer.

  • Alison Brie
    Alison Brie (1982)

    Alison Brie is an American actress known for her roles in TV shows like 'Community' and 'GLOW'.

  • Ross Lynch
    Ross Lynch (1995)

    American actor and musician known for his role in Disney Channel's 'Austin & Ally'.

  • Jane Levy
    Jane Levy (1989)

    Tv actress.

  • Leonor Varela
    Leonor Varela (1972)

    Model and actress from chile, both american and chilean.

  • Mekhi Phifer
    Mekhi Phifer (1974)

    American actor.

  • See more celebrities born on December 29th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


December 29th: who died on this date?

On December 29th the following celebrities died:

  • Peggy Cummins
    Peggy Cummins (2017)

    Irish actress (b. 1925).

  • Lita Grey
    Lita Grey (1995)

    American actress (born in 1908).

  • Vivienne Segal
    Vivienne Segal (1992)

    At 95, a us actress (broadway pal joey), is dead.

  • Reginna Maria Rilke (1926)

    Renowned poet known for his lyrical and philosophical works.

  • Alekai Laiho (2020)

    Talented golfer known for his precision and skill on the course.

  • Joseff Cornell (1972)

    Known for his intricate shadow boxes and collages.

  • Syvilla (1993)

    Renowned African-American dancer and choreographer.

  • Christina Rossetti (1894)

    The sister of d.g.

  • See all famous people who died on December 29th


December 29th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On December 29th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Capricorn according to the Western Zodiac.

Capricorn zodiac sign

December 29th: what is special about the Capricorn sign?

The Capricorn sign encompasses people born between December 22nd and January 19th.

You can discover Capricorn's personality traits and attitude and Capricorn's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Capricorn born in December discover why December born are so special.


December 29th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on December 29th in history:

  • Dec 29, 1900: General Viljoen surprise attack British garrison to Helvetia.
  • Dec 29, 1911: San Francisco Symphony is formed.
  • Dec 29, 1952: First transistorized hearing aid offered for sale (Elmsford, New York).
  • Dec 29, 1959: Physicist Richard Feynman gives a speech entitled ''There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom'', which is regarded as the birth of nanotechnology; the Lisbon Metro begins operation.
  • Dec 29, 1988: Soviet Red Army hockey team edges New York Islanders, 3-2 at Nassau Coliseum.
  • Dec 29, 1993: Courtney Love sues doctors for leaking news of her methadone treatment
  • Dec 29, 1998: Leaders of the Khmer Rouge apologize for the 1970s genocide in Cambodia that claimed over 1 million lives.
  • Dec 29, 1999: Former Beatle George Harrison is stabbed several times in the chest by Michael Anram, who had broken into his home. Harrison's wife wrestles the knife out the assailant's hand before the police arrives. The man apparently believed that Harrison was the devil. He was later charged with attempted murder
  • Dec 29, 2004: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine announces support for Mustafa Al-Barghouti during the 2005 Palestinian presidential elections.
  • Dec 29, 2010: South Thailand insurgency: Seven people were injured in a bomb attack by suspected Islamist insurgents in southern Thailand.
  • Dec 29, 2011: Tokelau and Samoa move east to west along the International Date Line. This allows them to skip December 30 in order to better align their time zones with their main trading partners.
  • Dec 29, 2014: War in Somalia: The latest advance in Operation Indian Ocean saw the Somali government forces, assisted by AMISOM troops, capture seven towns from Al-Shabaab's central Hiran province.

What day of the year is December 29th?

December 29th marks the 363rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 364th in case of leap years).

There are 2 days remaining until the end of the year.

December 29th is the 29th day of the month of December.