March 22nd: What is special about this date?

March 22nd marks the 81st day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 82nd in case of leap years). There are 284 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on March 22nd, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to March 22nd and what happened on March 22nd in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about March 22nd.


March 22nd: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On March 22nd there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Reese Witherspoon
    Reese Witherspoon (1976)

    Reese witherspoon is an american actress known for her roles in popular films such as legally blonde and walk the line.

  • James Patterson
    James Patterson (1947)

    James patterson is an american author known for his popular crime and thriller novels, including the alex cross series.

  • Rani Mukerji
    Rani Mukerji (1978)

    Rani mukerji is an indian actress known for her work in bollywood films, including notable performances in movies like 'kuch kuch hota hai'...

  • Matthew Modine
    Matthew Modine (1959)

    American actor known for his roles in films like Full Metal Jacket.

  • George Benson
    George Benson (1943)

    George benson is a renowned jazz singer and guitarist known for his smooth vocals and impressive guitar skills.

  • Fanny Ardant
    Fanny Ardant (1949)

    French actress.

  • William Shatner
    William Shatner (1931)

    Canadian-american actor, tv and film best known for his role as starship commander james t. kirk in the 1966-1969 series star trek.

  • Keegan-Michael Key
    Keegan-Michael Key (1971)

    Keegan-michael key is a comedian known for his work on the sketch comedy show key & peele.

  • Marcel Marceau
    Marcel Marceau (1923)

    Marceau, french pantomime actor, actor, author and creator of "bip", the internationally recognized white-faced clown, was awarded two...

  • Stephen Sondheim
    Stephen Sondheim (1930)

    American composer and lyricist.

  • See more celebrities born on March 22nd

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


March 22nd: who died on this date?

On March 22nd the following celebrities died:

  • Paul Verhoeven
    Paul Verhoeven (1975)

    Director (robocop 4th man, total recall), is killed at 73.

  • Don Murray
    Don Murray (1996)

    American actor.

  • Gemini Ganesan
    Gemini Ganesan (2005)

    Indian actor and director (d. 2002).

  • Gloria Holden
    Gloria Holden (1991)

    English-american actress (b. 1908).

  • Ben Lyon
    Ben Lyon (1979)

    Atlanta, georgia -- actor (i cover the waterfront night nurse).

  • Rita Gam
    Rita Gam (2016)

    Pittsburgh, pennsylvania -- actress.

  • Joan Shawlee
    Joan Shawlee (1987)

    Actress (abbott & costello show), died at 58.

  • Joahan Wolfgang von Goethe (1832)

    German writer and statesman known for his literary works such as Faust.

  • Coleston Jones (2010)

    Renowned physicist known for groundbreaking research.

  • Elgin Baylor (2021)

    Elgin Baylor was an American professional basketball player who played for the Los Angeles Lakers in the National Basketball Association...

  • See all famous people who died on March 22nd


March 22nd: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On March 22nd, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Aries according to the Western Zodiac.

Aries zodiac sign

March 22nd: what is special about the Aries sign?

The Aries sign encompasses people born between March 21st and April 19th.

You can discover Aries's personality traits and attitude and Aries's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Aries born in March discover why March born are so special.


March 22nd: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on March 22nd in history:

  • Mar 22, 1907: The first taxicabs with taxi meters begin operating in London.
  • Mar 22, 1933: FDR makes wine and beer with up to 3.2% alcohol legal
  • Mar 22, 1943: Obligatory work for woman ends in Belgium
  • Mar 22, 1957: Earthquake gives San Francisco, California the shakes.
  • Mar 22, 1960: AL Schawlow and C H Townes obtain patent for the laser
  • Mar 22, 1975: Dinge-competed wins Eurovisie Song festival
  • Mar 22, 1978: Robert Frost Plaza, at California, Drumm and Market, SF, dedicated
  • Mar 22, 1983: Chaim Herzog elected Israeli president.
  • Mar 22, 1986: Ice Pairs Championship at Geneva won by Gordeeva and Grinkov
  • Mar 22, 1987: Betsy King wins LPGA Circle K Tucson Golf Open.
  • Mar 22, 2006: After 118 days in captivity and the death their American colleague Tom Fox, three Christian Peacemaker Team hostages were released by British forces from Baghdad.
  • Mar 22, 2013: Officials from Pakistan say that 4 insurgents were killed in drone strikes in Pakistan.

What day of the year is March 22nd?

March 22nd marks the 81st day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 82nd in case of leap years).

There are 284 days remaining until the end of the year.

March 22nd is the 22nd day of the month of March.