March 23rd: What is special about this date?

March 23rd marks the 82nd day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 83rd in case of leap years). There are 283 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on March 23rd, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to March 23rd and what happened on March 23rd in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about March 23rd.


March 23rd: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On March 23rd there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Joan Crawford
    Joan Crawford (1903)

    Joan crawford was an american actress known for her roles in classic hollywood films such as 'mildred pierce' and 'whatever happened to baby...

  • Kangana Ranaut
    Kangana Ranaut (1987)

    Kangana ranaut is an indian actress known for her work in bollywood films and for being a vocal advocate for women's rights and empowerment.

  • Kyrie Irving
    Kyrie Irving (1992)

    Kyrie irving is a professional basketball player known for his exceptional ball-handling skills and clutch performances in big games.

  • Pierre Palmade
    Pierre Palmade (1968)

    French comedian, actor and humorist.

  • Chaka Khan
    Chaka Khan (1953)

    American black singer and songwriter who is well-known in the world of black music.

  • Michelle Monaghan
    Michelle Monaghan (1976)

    Michelle monaghan is an american actress known for her roles in popular films such as mission: impossible iii, gone baby gone, and source...

  • Keri Russell
    Keri Russell (1976)

    Keri russell is an american actress known for her role as felicity porter in the tv series felicity and for her performance in the spy...

  • Wernher von Braun
    Wernher von Braun (1912)

    Rocket scientist (v1/v2) dies after 65 years of smoking.

  • Richard Grieco
    Richard Grieco (1965)

    American model actor and producer.

  • Corinne Cléry
    Corinne Cléry (1950)

    Corinne piccolo, french actress and model.

  • See more celebrities born on March 23rd

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


March 23rd: who died on this date?

On March 23rd the following celebrities died:

  • Elizabeth Taylor
    Elizabeth Taylor (2011)

    British-american actress, born in london to american parents who now reside in britain.

  • Giulietta Masina
    Giulietta Masina (1994)

    Italian actress, who performed with such passion and depth that she could imbue everyday life with a touch of the absurd.

  • George Segal
    George Segal (2021)

    American stage and film actor who was nominated for an oscar in 1966 for his role as "who's afraid of virginia woolf".

  • Lola Albright
    Lola Albright (2017)

    American actress.

  • Peter Lorre
    Peter Lorre (1964)

    Hungarian actor on stage, tv and film, as well screenwriter and director.

  • Ken Howard
    Ken Howard (2016)

    American actor, writer and musician.

  • Delores Taylor
    Delores Taylor (2018)

    Delores Taylor was an actress known for her role in the Billy Jack film series.

  • Denise DuBarry
    Denise DuBarry (2019)

    Denise DuBarry was an American actress known for her roles in 'Being There' and 'Black Sheep Squadron.

  • Mona Maris
    Mona Maris (1991)

    Actress (camila berlin correspondent), is killed at 88.

  • Patricia Roberts Harris (1985)

    First African American woman to serve in the U.S.

  • See all famous people who died on March 23rd


March 23rd: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On March 23rd, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Aries according to the Western Zodiac.

Aries zodiac sign

March 23rd: what is special about the Aries sign?

The Aries sign encompasses people born between March 21st and April 19th.

You can discover Aries's personality traits and attitude and Aries's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Aries born in March discover why March born are so special.


March 23rd: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on March 23rd in history:

  • Mar 23, 1919: Bashkir ASSR, in RSFSR, constituted.
  • Mar 23, 1930: US Ladies Figure Skating Championship won by Maribel Vinson.
  • Mar 23, 1933: Kroll Opera in Berlin opens
  • Mar 23, 1943: German counter-attack on US lines in Tunisia.
  • Mar 23, 1957: US army sells last homing pigeons.
  • Mar 23, 1960: Explorer (8) fails to reach Earth orbit
  • Mar 23, 1975: Sue Roberts wins LPGA Bing Crosby International Golf Classic.
  • Mar 23, 1978: US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site.
  • Mar 23, 1983: US President Ronald Reagan introduces Star Wars-plan
  • Mar 23, 1986: 6th Golden Raspberry Awards: Rambo; First Blood Part II wins.
  • Mar 23, 1987: Soap Bold and the Beautiful premieres
  • Mar 23, 2006: Xbox 360 was launched in Australia and New Zealand.

What day of the year is March 23rd?

March 23rd marks the 82nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 83rd in case of leap years).

There are 283 days remaining until the end of the year.

March 23rd is the 23rd day of the month of March.