March 4th Holidays: Celebrations and Observances Worldwide

March 4th is a day filled with various holidays, celebrations, observances, and historical significance around the world. From international events to national holidays and religious commemorations and saints, this date holds special meaning for many cultures and communities. Explore the list of holidays, observances and saints celebrated on March 4th.

Holidays on March 4th

  • Catholicism - Commemoration of Saint Lucius I, pope, martyr.
  • Feast day of Humbert III of Savoy.
  • Catholicism - Feast day of Saint Casimir, patron saint of Lithuania.
  • United States - Inauguration Day (1789 - 1933)
  • St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada - Charter Day (1881)
  • Vermont - Admission Day (1791).
  • Pennsylvania - Charter Day (1681).
  • Wales - Feast day of Rhiannon, Celtic Moon Goddess.
  • Feast day of Saint Placide Viel.

Saints celebrated on March 4th

  • Saint Efrem
  • Saint Peter of Pappacarbone.
  • Saint Lucius I.
  • Saint Pierre de Cluny.
  • Saint Basil and his Companions.
  • Saint Adrian of Nicomedia, bishop of Saint Andrew's, and his Companions.