February 23rd: What is special about this date?

February 23rd marks the 54th day of the Gregorian calendar year. There are 311 days remaining until the end of the year (or 312 days in case of leap years). Discover famous birthdays on February 23rd, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to February 23rd and what happened on February 23rd in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about February 23rd.


February 23rd: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On February 23rd there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Emily Blunt
    Emily Blunt (1983)

    Emily blunt is a british actress known for her roles in popular films such as the devil wears prada, edge of tomorrow, and a quiet place.

  • Aziz Ansari
    Aziz Ansari (1983)

    Aziz ansari is an indian-american comedian known for his stand-up comedy, acting, and writing, as well as for his role as tom haverford on...

  • Patricia Richardson
    Patricia Richardson (1951)

    Patricia richardson is a tv actress best known for her role as jill taylor on the sitcom home improvement.

  • Karan Grover
    Karan Grover (1982)

    Karan grover is an indian tv actor known for his roles in popular television shows such as 'yahan main ghar ghar kheli' and 'qubool hai'.

  • Andre Ward
    Andre Ward (1984)

    Andre ward is a retired professional boxer known for being an olympic gold medalist and a world champion in multiple weight classes.

  • Peter Fonda
    Peter Fonda (1940)

    American actor, screenwriter, and producer.

  • Diane Varsi
    Diane Varsi (1938)

    American actress, who was nominated for an oscar in 1957 for her role as allison mackenzie.

  • Natalia Verbeke
    Natalia Verbeke (1975)

    Argentinian actresses and singers.

  • Josh Gad
    Josh Gad (1981)

    American actor, producer, and screenwriter.

  • Samara Weaving
    Samara Weaving (1992)

    Tv actress.

  • See more celebrities born on February 23rd

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


February 23rd: who died on this date?

On February 23rd the following celebrities died:

  • Stan Laurel
    Stan Laurel (1965)

    Stan laurel was a comedic actor best known for being one half of the famous duo laurel and hardy, known for their slapstick comedy films.

  • Katherine Helmond
    Katherine Helmond (2019)

    Katherine helmond was an american actress known for her roles in the tv shows 'soap' and 'who's the boss?'.

  • Florence Rice
    Florence Rice (1974)

    Actress (girl at 1313, carnival), is killed at 63.

  • Margalit Tzanani (2019)

    Iconic Israeli singer with a powerful voice and stage presence.

  • John Keats (1821)

    An english romantic poet.

  • Nillie Melba (1931)

    Renowned Australian opera soprano known for her performances in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

  • Nachmen Simon (1943)

    Renowned Jewish painter known for his expressive and emotional artworks.

  • James Herriot (1995)

    A British veterinarian and author who wrote a series of semi-autobiographical books about his experiences as a country veterinarian in...

  • Franciszek Starowieyski (2009)

    Renowned Polish artist known for his surrealistic and symbolic paintings.

  • John Quincy Adams (1848)

    The sixth President of the United States, a diplomat, and a prominent figure in the abolitionist movement.

  • See all famous people who died on February 23rd


February 23rd: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On February 23rd, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Pisces according to the Western Zodiac.

Pisces zodiac sign

February 23rd: what is special about the Pisces sign?

The Pisces sign encompasses people born between February 19th and March 20th.

You can discover Pisces's personality traits and attitude and Pisces's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Pisces born in February discover why February born are so special.


February 23rd: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on February 23rd in history:

  • Feb 23, 1905: Rotary Club International established by four men in Chicago.
  • Feb 23, 1909: Russian tsar Nicolas II dissolves Finnish Diet.
  • Feb 23, 1915: Germany sinks US ships Carib and Evelyn and torpedoes Norwegian ship Regin.
  • Feb 23, 1942: World War II: Japanese submarines fire artillery shells at the coastline near Santa Barbara, California.
  • Feb 23, 1945: US Marines raise flag on Iwo Jima, famous photo and statue
  • Feb 23, 1959: KVIE TV channel 6 in Sacramento-Stockton, CA (PBS) begins broadcasting
  • Feb 23, 1981: People Magazine features drug ordeal of Mackenzie and Papa John Phillips
  • Feb 23, 1988: 15th Winter Olympic games opens in Calgary, Alberta
  • Feb 23, 1995: Uncle Vanya opens at Circle in the Square Theater NYC for 29 performances
  • Feb 23, 1999: Eminem's 'The Slim Shady LP is released, following his 1997 EP 'The Slim Shady EP' and debut album 'Infinite'.
  • Feb 23, 2004: Rod Paige, United States Secretary for Education, calls the National Education Association (the nation's largest teachers union) a "terrorist organization." He later apologized, calling his remarks an "inappropriate choice of words" to describe the obstructionist scare tactics Washington lobbyists used against No Child Left Behind's historical education reforms.
  • Feb 23, 2014: Ukrainian Revolution of 2014: Viktor Yanukovych, former Ukrainian President, is prevented by Donetsk's customs from flying to Russia.

What day of the year is February 23rd?

February 23rd marks the 54th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

There are 311 days remaining until the end of the year (or 312 days in case of leap years).

February 23rd is the 23rd day of the month of February.