February 29th: What is special about this date?

February 29th marks the 60th day of the Gregorian calendar year. There are 306 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on February 29th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to February 29th and what happened on February 29th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about February 29th.


February 29th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On February 29th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Tony Robbins
    Tony Robbins (1960)

    Tony robbins is a well-known self-help author and motivational speaker, best known for his seminars and self-help books.

  • Ja Rule
    Ja Rule (1976)

    Ja rule is a rapper and actor known for his successful music career in the early 2000s and for his collaborations with other artists.

  • Michèle Morgan
    Michèle Morgan (1920)

    French actress, who received acclaim at the age of 18, for her role in the film "quai des brumes", one year after she made her debut in...

  • Dennis Farina
    Dennis Farina (1944)

    Dennis farina was an american actor known for his roles in popular tv shows and movies such as law & order and snatch.

  • Dinah Shore
    Dinah Shore (1916)

    American entertainer.

  • Alex Rocco
    Alex Rocco (1936)

    Actor (blue knight, stanley, stunt man).

  • Antonio Sabato
    Antonio Sabato (1972)

    Antonio sabato is an italian-american actor known for his roles in various soap operas such as general hospital and the bold and the...

  • Frank Woodley
    Frank Woodley (1968)

    Frank woodley is an australian comedian known for his physical comedy and slapstick style.

  • Joss Ackland
    Joss Ackland (1928)

    London, england -- actor ("queenie, to kill a priest").

  • See more celebrities born on February 29th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


February 29th: who died on this date?

On February 29th the following celebrities died:

  • Davy Jones
    Davy Jones (2012)

    English singer, guitarist and actor (b. 1945).

  • Dieter Laser
    Dieter Laser (2020)

    German actor (b. 1942).

  • Joycelin Bates (2020)

    Renowned physicist known for her work in the field of superconductivity.

  • Dalma Döbrentei (1852)

    Hungarian astronomer known for her work on comets and celestial mechanics.

  • Jerome Lawrence (2004)

    American playwright, who was a collaboration with robert e. lee since 1942.

  • Edith Wake (1964)

    Edith Wake was a British novelist who wrote several novels set in the English countryside.

  • Ramon Casas (1932)

    Ramon Casas was a Spanish artist known for his modernist paintings and portraits.

  • Ina Coolbrith (1928)

    Pioneering poet and the first California Poet Laureate.

  • Pat Garrett (1908)


  • Dennis Danell (2000)

    American singer/guitarist (social distortion), (d. 2000).

  • See all famous people who died on February 29th


February 29th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On February 29th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Pisces according to the Western Zodiac.

Pisces zodiac sign

February 29th: what is special about the Pisces sign?

The Pisces sign encompasses people born between February 19th and March 20th.

You can discover Pisces's personality traits and attitude and Pisces's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Pisces born in February discover why February born are so special.


February 29th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on February 29th in history:

  • Feb 29, 1912: Serbia and Bulgaria secretly sign a treaty of alliance for a term of eight years, with each pledging to come to the defense of the other during war.
  • Feb 29, 1916: Child labor: In South Carolina, the minimum working age for factory, mill, and mine workers is raised from twelve to fourteen years old.
  • Feb 29, 1932: Failed coup attempt by fascist Lapua Movement in Finland.
  • Feb 29, 1944: US troops land on Los Negros, Admirality Islands.
  • Feb 29, 1952: Ladies Figure Skating Championship in Paris won by Jacqueline du Bief of France.
  • Feb 29, 1956: In Centerville, South Dakota, USA a building is hit by a falling meteorite.
  • Feb 29, 1968: 1st pulsar announced
  • Feb 29, 1972: Jack Anderson discloses Dita Beard (ITT) memo indicating antitrust charges were dropped for $400,000 contribution to the Republican Party
  • Feb 29, 1980: Michael Bracey ends 59 hours 55 minutes trapped in an elevator, England.
  • Feb 29, 1988: KWK-FM in St. Louis Missouri changes call letters to WKBG
  • Feb 29, 1996: Soyuz TM-23, lands
  • Feb 29, 2004: Occupation in Iraq

What day of the year is February 29th?

February 29th marks the 60th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

There are 306 days remaining until the end of the year.

February 29th is the 29th day of the month of February.