February 5th: What is special about this date?

February 5th marks the 36th day of the Gregorian calendar year. There are 329 days remaining until the end of the year (or 330 days in case of leap years). Discover famous birthdays on February 5th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to February 5th and what happened on February 5th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about February 5th.


February 5th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On February 5th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Abhishek Bachchan
    Abhishek Bachchan (1976)

    Abhishek bachchan is an indian actor known for his work in bollywood films and for being the son of legendary actor amitabh bachchan.

  • Laura Linney
    Laura Linney (1964)

    American actress known for her roles in films such as 'The Truman Show', 'You Can Count on Me', and 'Ozark'.

  • Charlotte Rampling
    Charlotte Rampling (1946)

    British actress.

  • William Burroughs
    William Burroughs (1914)

    American bisexual writer and heroin addict.

  • Michael Sheen
    Michael Sheen (1969)

    Michael Sheen is a Welsh actor known for his roles in films like 'The Queen', 'Frost/Nixon', and 'The Damned United'.

  • Jennifer Jason Leigh
    Jennifer Jason Leigh (1962)

    Jennifer jason leigh is an american actress known for her roles in films such as 'single white female' and 'the hateful eight'.

  • Barbara Hershey
    Barbara Hershey (1948)

    American actress who wore a hippie look during the 1960s.

  • Benoît Jacquot
    Benoît Jacquot (1947)

    French screenwriter and film director.

  • Jussi Björling
    Jussi Björling (1911)

    Swedish tenor (d. 1960).

  • Michael Mann
    Michael Mann (1943)

    American filmmaker.

  • See more celebrities born on February 5th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


February 5th: who died on this date?

On February 5th the following celebrities died:

  • Christopher Plummer
    Christopher Plummer (2021)

    Christopher Plummer was a Canadian actor known for his versatile performances in films such as 'The Sound of Music', 'Beginners', and 'The...

  • Kirk Douglas
    Kirk Douglas (2020)

    American actor.

  • Doug McClure
    Doug McClure (1995)

    American actor.

  • Dean Jagger
    Dean Jagger (1991)

    Actor in the united states (mr novak rawhide, oscar), has died at around 87 years old (born 1903).

  • Thelma Ritter
    Thelma Ritter (1969)

    American actress and singer (d. 1969).

  • Franklin Cover
    Franklin Cover (2006)

    American actor (born 1928).

  • George Arliss
    George Arliss (1946)

    British actor on the stage who rose to fame at the age of 53.

  • Dolores Moran
    Dolores Moran (1982)

    Actress (yankee doodle dandy), passes away at 56.

  • Gwili Andre
    Gwili Andre (1959)

    Actress (no other woman roar of the dragon).

  • See all famous people who died on February 5th


February 5th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On February 5th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Aquarius according to the Western Zodiac.

Aquarius zodiac sign

February 5th: what is special about the Aquarius sign?

The Aquarius sign encompasses people born between January 20th and February 18th.

You can discover Aquarius's personality traits and attitude and Aquarius's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Aquarius born in February discover why February born are so special.


February 5th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on February 5th in history:

  • Feb 5, 1904: American occupation of Cuba ends.
  • Feb 5, 1919: Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, and D.W. Griffith launch United Artists film studio in the USA.
  • Feb 5, 1933: Marinus van der Lubbe passes Dutch / German boundary
  • Feb 5, 1957: Dmitri Shostakovitch completes his 2nd Piano Concert
  • Feb 5, 1960: The first CERN particle accelerator becomes operational in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Feb 5, 1977: CB Savage by Rod Hart peaks at #67
  • Feb 5, 1987: Dow Jones Industrial Average average closes above 2,200 for first time.
  • Feb 5, 1990: Notre Dame becomes first team to sell its game to a major network (NBC).
  • Feb 5, 1994: Where On Earth Is Carmen San Diego, debuts on Fox TV
  • Feb 5, 2000: Russian forces killed at least 60 civilians in Novye Aldi, Grozny.
  • Feb 5, 2006: American football: The Pittsburgh Steelers defeated the Seattle Seahawks 21-10 in Super Bowl XL.
  • Feb 5, 2008: (February 6 - A tornado outbreak kills 58 people in the Southern United States.

What day of the year is February 5th?

February 5th marks the 36th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

There are 329 days remaining until the end of the year (or 330 days in case of leap years).

February 5th is the 5th day of the month of February.