February 27th: What is special about this date?

February 27th marks the 58th day of the Gregorian calendar year. There are 307 days remaining until the end of the year (or 308 days in case of leap years). Discover famous birthdays on February 27th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to February 27th and what happened on February 27th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about February 27th.


February 27th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On February 27th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Elizabeth Taylor
    Elizabeth Taylor (1932)

    British-american actress, born in london to american parents who now reside in britain.

  • Joanne Woodward
    Joanne Woodward (1930)

    American actress, who won the best actress oscar for march 1958's film "three faces of eve.

  • Chelsea Clinton
    Chelsea Clinton (1980)

    American family, the only child and daughter of bill and hillary clinton.

  • John Steinbeck
    John Steinbeck (1902)

    American writer who wrote best-selling novels and was made into movies.

  • Kate Mara
    Kate Mara (1983)

    Kate mara is an american actress known for her roles in house of cards and fantastic four.

  • Adam Baldwin
    Adam Baldwin (1962)

    Adam baldwin is an american tv actor known for his roles in popular tv shows such as firefly and chuck.

  • Timothy Spall
    Timothy Spall (1957)

    Timothy spall is an english actor known for his roles in the harry potter film series and the historical drama mr.

  • Derren Brown
    Derren Brown (1971)

    British psychological illusionist.

  • Ralph Nader
    Ralph Nader (1934)

    American consumer advocate and attorney who changed american perceptions about product viability.

  • Yolande Moreau
    Yolande Moreau (1953)

    Belgian actress and film director.

  • See more celebrities born on February 27th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


February 27th: who died on this date?

On February 27th the following celebrities died:

  • Lillian Gish
    Lillian Gish (1993)

    Pioneering American actress of the silent film era, known for her roles in classic films such as 'The Birth of a Nation' and 'Orphans of the...

  • Leonard Nimoy
    Leonard Nimoy (2015)

    American actor who was best known for his role as spock, the pointed-eared alien in "star trek," 1965-1967.

  • Spike Milligan
    Spike Milligan (2002)

    British writer and director.

  • Dale Robertson
    Dale Robertson (2013)

    American actor and singer (d.2013).

  • Allison Hayes
    Allison Hayes (1977)

    Actress (attack on 50 foot woman), dead at 47.

  • Joan Greenwood
    Joan Greenwood (1987)

    London, england -- actress/director (amorous mr prawn).

  • J. Pat O'Malley
    J. Pat O'Malley (1985)

    English-american actor and singer (b. 1904).

  • John Boles
    John Boles (1969)

    Actor (stella dallas and curly top) dies at 73.

  • Ivann Pavlov (1936)

    Renowned for his work on classical conditioning and the concept of the conditioned reflex.

  • See all famous people who died on February 27th


February 27th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On February 27th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Pisces according to the Western Zodiac.

Pisces zodiac sign

February 27th: what is special about the Pisces sign?

The Pisces sign encompasses people born between February 19th and March 20th.

You can discover Pisces's personality traits and attitude and Pisces's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Pisces born in February discover why February born are so special.


February 27th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on February 27th in history:

  • Feb 27, 1900: British Labour Party forms
  • Feb 27, 1942: 1st transport of French Jews to Nazi-Germany
  • Feb 27, 1950: General Chiang Kai-shek elected President of Nationalist China.
  • Feb 27, 1959: Chicago Cards trade running back Ollie Matson to LA Rams for 9 players
  • Feb 27, 1988: Gulfstream G-IV jet goes around the world 36:08:34.
  • Feb 27, 1995: In Denver, Colorado, the old Stapleton Airport closes; it is replaced by a new Denver International Airport, the largest airport in the United States.
  • Feb 27, 1998: 14th Soap Opera Digest Awards
  • Feb 27, 1999: One of 4 bombs detonated in Lusaka, Zambia, destroys the Angolan Embassy.
  • Feb 27, 2004: 2004 SuperFerry 14 Bombing: The Abu Sayyaf terrorist group is responsible for the most deadly terrorist attack at sea in history. It claimed the lives of 116 Filipinos.
  • Feb 27, 2010: A magnitude 8.8 earthquake strikes central Chile, causing more than 500 deaths and thousands of injuries.
  • Feb 27, 2011: Six people are killed during a failed coup attempt against the presidential palace of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Feb 27, 2014: The Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Parliament of Ukraine announces a referendum to decide the future of the region and to remove the regional government.

What day of the year is February 27th?

February 27th marks the 58th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

There are 307 days remaining until the end of the year (or 308 days in case of leap years).

February 27th is the 27th day of the month of February.