January 20th: What is special about this date?

January 20th marks the 20th day of the Gregorian calendar year. There are 345 days remaining until the end of the year (or 346 days in case of leap years). Discover famous birthdays on January 20th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to January 20th and what happened on January 20th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about January 20th.


January 20th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On January 20th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Paul Stanley
    Paul Stanley (1952)

    Paul stanley is a guitarist best known as the co-lead vocalist and frontman of the rock band kiss.

  • Patricia Neal
    Patricia Neal (1926)

    American actress, who became a broadway star in her broadway debut in 1945.

  • Erin Wasson
    Erin Wasson (1982)

    Erin wasson is a prominent american model known for her work with top fashion brands and her appearances in international fashion magazines.

  • David Lynch
    David Lynch (1946)

    American screenwriter and director, one of today's most creative and talented film-makers of the 20th century.

  • Bill Maher
    Bill Maher (1956)

    American comedian, host of humorous tv shows "politically incorrect", (1997) and "aeuroereal time with bill maheraeur" (2003).

  • Omar Sy
    Omar Sy (1978)

    French actor best known for his roles in omar et fred and fred testot as fred testot.

  • Lorenzo Lamas
    Lorenzo Lamas (1958)

    American actor, tv soap star, and sex symbol.

  • Duniya Vijay
    Duniya Vijay (1974)

    Duniya vijay is an indian actor known for his work in kannada cinema.

  • Rainn Wilson
    Rainn Wilson (1966)

    Rainn wilson is an american actor best known for his role as dwight schrute on the television series the office.

  • DeForest Kelley
    DeForest Kelley (1920)

    Deforest kelley was an american actor best known for his role as dr.

  • See more celebrities born on January 20th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


January 20th: who died on this date?

On January 20th the following celebrities died:

  • Barbara Stanwyck
    Barbara Stanwyck (1990)

    Four times, an american actress was nominated for the oscar: "stella dallas," 1937, 1942, "ball of fire," 1941, and 1944.

  • Audrey Hepburn
    Audrey Hepburn (1993)

    Belgian actress, humanitarian and dancer who started as a ballet student.

  • Beatrice Lillie
    Beatrice Lillie (1989)

    Talented comedic actress and singer known for her wit and charm.

  • Meat Loaf
    Meat Loaf (2022)

    American singer, known as the wild man of rock opera.

  • Johnny Weissmuller
    Johnny Weissmuller (1984)

    Romanian-born american actor and swimmer who won five olympic medals as well as numerous world records.

  • Mira Furlan
    Mira Furlan (2021)

    Mira Furlan was a talented actress known for her roles in 'Babylon 5' and 'Lost.

  • Louis Seigner
    Louis Seigner (1991)

    Mathilde and emmanuelle are the grandfathers of a french stage comedian and actor, mathilde and emmanuelle.

  • Carl Switzer
    Carl Switzer (1959)

    Actor (alfalfa - our gang), shot to death at 31.

  • Isaly Hepburn (1993)

    Isaly Hepburn was a celebrated British actress and fashion icon, known for her roles in classic films such as 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' and...

  • See all famous people who died on January 20th


January 20th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On January 20th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Aquarius according to the Western Zodiac.

Aquarius zodiac sign

January 20th: what is special about the Aquarius sign?

The Aquarius sign encompasses people born between January 20th and February 18th.

You can discover Aquarius's personality traits and attitude and Aquarius's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Aquarius born in January discover why January born are so special.


January 20th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on January 20th in history:

  • Jan 20, 1925: USSR and Japan sign treaty of Peking, Seychelles back to USSR.
  • Jan 20, 1944: RAF drops 2300 ton bombs on Berlin
  • Jan 20, 1946: F Gouin follows Charles De Gaulle as temporary leader of French government.
  • Jan 20, 1950: Dance Me a Song opens at Royale Theater NYC for 35 performances
  • Jan 20, 1951: Avalanches in the Alps kill 240 and bury 45,000 for a time in Switzerland, Austria and Italy.
  • Jan 20, 1953: 1st US telecast transmitted to Canada-from Buffalo, New York
  • Jan 20, 1961: Arthur M Ramsay becomes archbishop of Canterbury.
  • Jan 20, 1972: Pakistan launches its nuclear weapons program, a few weeks after its defeat in the Bangladesh Liberation War, as well as the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.
  • Jan 20, 1973: U.S. President Richard Nixon is inaugurated for his second term.
  • Jan 20, 1993: Adm Studeman, serves as acting Director of CIA
  • Jan 20, 1996: WPAT FM NYC radio station switches to English-Spanish format
  • Jan 20, 2001: In a peaceful 4-day revolution, Joseph Estrada of the Philippines is defeated and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is elected president.

What day of the year is January 20th?

January 20th marks the 20th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

There are 345 days remaining until the end of the year (or 346 days in case of leap years).

January 20th is the 20th day of the month of January.