June 20th: What is special about this date?

June 20th marks the 171st day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 172nd in case of leap years). There are 194 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on June 20th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to June 20th and what happened on June 20th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about June 20th.


June 20th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On June 20th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Nicole Kidman
    Nicole Kidman (1967)

    American actress, known for her energetic roles and her marriage to tom cruise.

  • Lionel Richie
    Lionel Richie (1949)

    Lionel richie is an american r&b singer known for hits like 'hello' and 'all night long'.

  • Danny Aiello
    Danny Aiello (1933)

    Danny aiello was an american actor and producer known for his roles in films such as 'do the right thing' and 'moonstruck'.

  • Brian Wilson
    Brian Wilson (1942)

    American musician and the eccentric genius behind "the beach boys", a composer and producer, who quit touring with the group at the age of...

  • Errol Flynn
    Errol Flynn (1909)

    Australian-american actor.

  • John Goodman
    John Goodman (1952)

    American actor.

  • Martin Landau
    Martin Landau (1928)

    He was an american actor who appeared in more than 500 episodes of tv and is also a well-known figure in movies.

  • Audie Murphy
    Audie Murphy (1924)

    American actor and soldier, murphy was the most decorated soldier of ww ii.

  • Anne Murray
    Anne Murray (1945)

    Canadian-american country and contemporary pop singer, who has won numerous awards.

  • Dreama Walker
    Dreama Walker (1986)

    American actress.

  • See more celebrities born on June 20th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


June 20th: who died on this date?

On June 20th the following celebrities died:

  • Ina Balin
    Ina Balin (1990)

    American actress known for her roles in films like 'From the Terrace' and 'The Comancheros.

  • Estelle Winwood
    Estelle Winwood (1984)

    Actress (miracle on 34th street), is killed at 99.

  • Xylan Nova (2015)

    Physicist known for contributions to quantum mechanics.

  • Undray Smith (2015)

    Influential playwright whose works continue to inspire audiences.

  • Clee Harper (2017)

    Pioneering playwright whose works challenged societal norms and inspired change.

  • Adaja Smith (2015)

    Influential playwright whose works continue to inspire generations.

  • Charmeka Johnson (2019)

    Bestselling author known for her impactful literary works.

  • Muriah Khan (2015)

    Influential playwright whose works continue to be performed worldwide.

  • Ceria Malam (2018)

    Captured stunning black and white images of urban landscapes.

  • Jimel Johnson (2015)

    Influential playwright whose works continue to inspire generations.

  • See all famous people who died on June 20th


June 20th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On June 20th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Gemini according to the Western Zodiac.

Gemini zodiac sign

June 20th: what is special about the Gemini sign?

The Gemini sign encompasses people born between May 21st and June 20th.

You can discover Gemini's personality traits and attitude and Gemini's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Gemini born in June discover why June born are so special.


June 20th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on June 20th in history:

  • Jun 20, 1911: NAACP incorporates (New York).
  • Jun 20, 1914: 46th Belmont: Merritt Buxton aboard Luke McLuke wins in 2:20
  • Jun 20, 1928: Puniša Račić shoots 3 opposition representatives in the Yugoslavian Parliament, and injures 3 others.
  • Jun 20, 1944: Congress charters Central Intelligence Agency
  • Jun 20, 1946: New York City transit begins using PA system - Car # 744 on 8th Ave IND line
  • Jun 20, 1950: Dutch Air Force base Tjililitan given to Indonesia
  • Jun 20, 1951: Cleveland Indian Bobby Avila hits 3 HRs, double and single vs. Red Sox
  • Jun 20, 1953: Louise Suggs wins LPGA Western Golf Open
  • Jun 20, 1973: San Francisco Giants Bobby Bonds sets NL record with 22 lead off HRs
  • Jun 20, 1993: 47th NBA Championship: Chicago Bulls beat Phoenix Suns, 4 games to 2
  • Jun 20, 1996: Space Shuttle STS 78 (Columbia 20), launches into space
  • Jun 20, 2001: Andrea Yates, a mother of five, drowns her children in a bathtub. She then confesses to her crimes.

What day of the year is June 20th?

June 20th marks the 171st day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 172nd in case of leap years).

There are 194 days remaining until the end of the year.

June 20th is the 20th day of the month of June.