Video Games of 1979

Let's celebrate the best video games of 1979, including PC and console games. Here’s a list of the most popular videogames released in 1979 organised by Genre, Platform and Publisher

  • Heiankyo Alien
  • Monkey Magic
  • Auto Racing
  • Bowling
  • Basic Programming
  • Alien Attack
  • NASL Soccer
  • Beam Invader
  • Star Fire
  • Space Fever
  • ABPA Backgammon
  • Football
  • Armor Battle
  • Samurai (Europe) Dynasty! (US)
  • Star Fire
  • 4-Player Bowling Alley
  • Ozma Wars
  • Apple Trek
  • Invasion Orion
  • The Datestones of Ryn

What happened in 1979?

Discover what the world looked like in 1979: