November 1902 calendar

November 1902

Learn the most interesting events and historical facts that happened in November 1902.
The US president was Theodore Roosevelt (Republican), the UK Prime Minister was Arthur Balfour (Conservative), Pope Leo XIII was leading the Catholic Church.

But much more happened on November 1902: find out below


Historical Events

Which were the important events of November 1902?


  • 15 Nov 1902 Leopold II, King of Belgium almost assassinated by Italian anarchist
  • 18 Nov 1902 Brooklyn toymaker Morris Michton names teddy bear after Teddy Roosevelt
  • 20 Nov 1902 Geo Lefevre and Henri Desgrange create Tour de France bicycle race
  • 30 Nov 1902 American Old West: Second-in-command of Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch gang, Kid Curry Logan, is sentenced to 20 years imprisonment with hard labor.
vinyl songs

Music charts

Which were the top hits in November 1902?
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Top #4 songs in the USA

  1. - Mister Dooley
  2. - Two Rubes in a Tavern
  3. - The Birds
  4. - I Want to Be a Lidy


Which were the most popular Movies released in that month?