Video Games of 1983

Let's celebrate the best video games of 1983, including PC and console games. Here’s a list of the most popular videogames released in 1983 organised by Genre, Platform and Publisher

  • G.I. Joe: Cobra Strike
  • Elevator Action
  • Enduro
  • Beamrider
  • Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-Man
  • Kool-Aid Man
  • Keystone Kapers
  • Alpha Beam with Ernie
  • Bomberman
  • B.C.'s Quest for Tires
  • Championship Lode Runner
  • Blue Max
  • Ghost Manor
  • Bobby is Going Home
  • The Dreadnaught Factor
  • Juno First
  • Dandy
  • Exerion
  • Crossbow
  • GATO

What happened in 1983?

Discover what the world looked like in 1983: