Video Games of 1984

Let's celebrate the best video games of 1984, including PC and console games. Here’s a list of the most popular videogames released in 1984 organised by Genre, Platform and Publisher

  • Barbie
  • H.E.R.O.
  • Karateka
  • Full Throttle
  • Avalon The 3D Adventure Movie
  • Balloon Fight
  • Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park
  • Mickey's Space Adventure
  • The Lords of Midnight
  • 3-D Bomberman
  • Kokotoni Wilf
  • Devil World
  • The Dam Busters
  • Brain Strainers
  • Impossible Mission
  • Montezuma's Revenge
  • Frogger II: ThreeeDeep!
  • Kentilla
  • Crypt of Medea
  • Gremlins

What happened in 1984?

Discover what the world looked like in 1984: