What happened on Saturday December 31, 1988?

About December 31st, 1988, in brief:

  • Historical events: NHL player Mario Lemieux achieved a remarkable feat by scoring a goal in each of the five different possible ways in a single game: even-strength, power-play, shorthanded, penalty shot, and empty-net. This extraordinary performance showcases Lemieux's exceptional skill and versatility on the ice.
  • Day of the week: December 31st, 1988 was a Saturday
  • Zodiac Sign: Capricorn (in western zodiac), Dragon (in Chinese zodiac)
  • Moon Phase: Last Quarter
  • #1 US song: Every Rose Has Its Thorn by Poison
  • #1 UK song: Heaven Is A Place On Earth by Belinda Carlisle
  • Popular movie: War Requiem directed by Derek Jarman

More about December 31st, 1988? See below for more news and curiosities on December 31st, 1988.


December 31, 1988: What happened on that day?

Here's what happened on December 31, 1988:

  • Mario Lemieux's Historic Hockey Achievement NHL player Mario Lemieux achieved a remarkable feat by scoring a goal in each of the five different possible ways in a single game: even-strength, power-play, shorthanded, penalty shot, and empty-net. This extraordinary performance showcases Lemieux's exceptional skill and versatility on the ice.
  • Passing of Pioneering Journalist Maidie Nesbitt Maidie Nesbitt, a pioneering female journalist renowned for her groundbreaking investigative reporting, passed away. Her work significantly contributed to journalism by breaking barriers and uncovering important stories during her career.
  • Death of Olympic Gold Medal Hungarian Fencer A Hungarian fencer who won a gold medal in the 1936 Summer Olympics passed away, marking the end of an era for this accomplished athlete.
  • Passing of Filipino Poet Crisanto Banaag Crisanto Banaag, a Filipino poet known for his lyrical and introspective works, passed away. His poetry contributed to the rich literary tradition of the Philippines.
  • Death of Azerbaijani Poet Elman Elman Elman Elman, a renowned Azerbaijani poet celebrated for his lyrical and introspective poetry, passed away. His works significantly contributed to Azerbaijani literary culture.
  • Death of American Painter A renowned American painter known for vibrant and expressive artworks passed away, contributing to the rich tapestry of American art history.
  • Death of British Painter An unnamed British painter known for landscapes and still life works passed away, leaving behind a legacy of artistic expression.

Events in 1988

December 31, 1988: What were the magazines covers and newspapers that day?

LIFE Magazine

Magazines from Dec. 31, 1988

Newspapers from Dec. 31, 1988

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December 31, 1988: What were the main match results that day?

NFL - American Football

  • Philadelphia Eagles - Chicago Bears : 12 - 20
  • Seattle Seahawks - Cincinnati Bengals : 13 - 21

What day of the week was December 31, 1988?

December 31, 1988 was a Saturday and it was the 366th day of the year 1988 in the Gregorian calendar.

December 31, 1988 can also be written as 12/31/1988 in the US and as 31/12/1988 in UK and Europe.

December 31, 1988 in December 1988 calendar


Birth chart on this day

Discover the planets positions on December 31st, 1988 as well as what the sky looked like at your place

see horoscope and birth chart for December 31, 1988
Planetary positions on  - Geocentric view

Who was born on December 31, 1988?

Famous people born on December 31, 1988:

  • Valentin Montand

    Son of famous French actor Yves Montand and his companion Carole Amiel, born when his parents were significantly older.

Famous people born in 1988

Famous people born on December 31st

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vinyl songs

December 31, 1988: Number 1 song on that day

The number 1 song on December 31, 1988 is the best selling or most popular song as resulting from the music charts in the week December 26th and January 1st. It changes depending on Countries, Music Genres and methodology used to rank the most popular song (for ex., sales, streaming).

December 31, 1988: What was the number 1 song in the USA on that day?

The number 1 song in the USA on December 31, 1988 was Every Rose Has Its Thorn by Poison, according to the music chart for the week December 26th and January 1st.

  1. - Every Rose Has Its Thorn youtube
  2. - My Prerogative youtube
  3. - Look Away youtube
  4. - Giving You The Best That I Got youtube
  5. - Waiting For A Star To Fall youtube

December 31, 1988: What was the number 1 song in the UK on that day?

The number 1 song in the UK on December 31, 1988 was Heaven Is A Place On Earth by Belinda Carlisle, according to the music chart for the week December 26th and January 1st.

  1. - Heaven Is A Place On Earth youtube
  2. - Especially For You youtube
  3. - Crackers International (EP) youtube
  4. - Always On My Mind youtube
  5. - Buffalo Stance youtube

December 31, 1988: What was the number 1 R&B song on that day?

The number 1 R&B song on December 31, 1988 was Tumblin' Down by Ziggy Marley And The Melody Makers, according to the music chart for the week December 26th and January 1st.

  1. - Tumblin' Down
  2. - Smooth Criminal
  3. - Oasis
  4. - Sweet, Sweet Love
  5. - Everything I Miss At Home

December 31, 1988: What is The Zodiac Sign for that day?

 zodiac sign

The Zodiac and Astrological sign for December 31st is Capricorn.

Discover the zodiac sign and horoscope for any day in the past.

Capricorn is the 10th sign in the Western Zodiac. People born between December 22nd and January 19th belong to the Capricorn sign: discover Capricorn personality and who should a Capricorn marry.

Babies born in December are either Sagittarius or Capricorn. People born before December 21st are Sagittarius, while people born from December 22nd have the sign of Capricorn.

Discover the personality of December born.

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December 31, 1988: What is the Chinese Zodiac Sign for that day?

Dragon chinese zodiac sign

The Chinese Zodiac sign for December 31, 1988 is Dragon and the associated element is Earth.

Discover the Dragon personality and how the Earth Element might affect a person's traits and compatibility with other signs according to the Chinese zodiac.

Try our calculator to discover your Chinese zodiac sign based on your date of birth

December 31, 1988: What was the moon phase on that day?

Moon phase


The moon phase on December 31, 1988 was Last Quarter.

The moon phase refers to the appearance of the Moon in the night sky on December 31, 1988 and is determined by the portion of the Moon's illuminated surface that is visible from Earth.

An observer located in New York City on December 31, 1988 at 10pm, would see the moon, being 36% full, rising at 12:10 am and setting at 11:56 am.

The previous full moon was on Dec 23, 1988 while the next full moon would come on Jan 21, 1989.

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Explore Moon Phases in December 1988

Your place in the Universe on December 31, 1988

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How old is someone born on December 31, 1988?

Someone born on December 31, 1988 is:

36 years and 18 days old,

or 432 months and 18 days old,

or 1881 weeks

or 13167 days old,

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How many days until your next birthday if you were born on December 31, 1988?

There are 347 days until your next birthday, which will occur on Wednesday December 31st 2025.

Try out our Countdown calculator to find out are many days are left until your special moments.

What generation do you belong to if you were born on December 31, 1988?

You belong to the Millennial Generation if you were born on December 31, 1988.

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This day in 30 sec.

Saturday December 31, 1988