October 9th: What is special about this date?

October 9th marks the 282nd day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 283rd in case of leap years). There are 83 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on October 9th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to October 9th and what happened on October 9th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about October 9th.


October 9th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On October 9th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • John Lennon
    John Lennon (1940)

    British singer, lennon is an icon in popular culture.

  • Sean Lennon
    Sean Lennon (1975)

    American musician, yoko ono is the son of john lennon, rock 'n' roll superstar, and his second wife.

  • Mona Singh
    Mona Singh (1979)

    Mona singh is an indian actress known for her role in the popular tv show jassi jaissi koi nahin.

  • Danièle Delorme
    Danièle Delorme (1926)

    French actress and producer of film, the daughter a noted painter and resistance worker andra (c) girard.

  • Tony Shalhoub
    Tony Shalhoub (1953)

    American actor best known for his roles as neurotic men in the tv series "monk", and "wings".

  • Scott Bakula
    Scott Bakula (1954)

    American actor and star of the tv series "quantum leap," and "star trek enterprise.

  • Brian Blessed
    Brian Blessed (1936)

    British actor, stage and screen, well-known for his aggressive portrayals.

  • Joe McFadden
    Joe McFadden (1975)

    Scottish actor.

  • Lila Kedrova
    Lila Kedrova (1918)

    Russian-born actress (born 1918).

  • See more celebrities born on October 9th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


October 9th: who died on this date?

On October 9th the following celebrities died:

  • Jacques Brel
    Jacques Brel (1978)

    Belgian-born french composer and lyricist, as well as singer.

  • Jean Rochefort
    Jean Rochefort (2017)

    Jean rochefort was a french actor known for his roles in popular french films such as the hairdresser's husband and ridicule.

  • Roy Black
    Roy Black (1991)

    German pop singer who sings romantic songs.

  • Miriam Hopkins
    Miriam Hopkins (1972)

    American actress and brittle leading woman of the '30s, who made many films.

  • Carol Bruce
    Carol Bruce (2007)

    American actress and singer (d. 2007).

  • Marie Doro
    Marie Doro (1956)

    American actress (born in 1882).

  • Jan Hooks
    Jan Hooks (2014)

    American actress and comedienne (b. 1957).

  • David Dukes
    David Dukes (2000)

    San francisco, california -- actor.

  • Oskar Schindler (1974)

    Czech businessman who joined nazi party and became double agent.

  • Jacques Derrida (2004)

    French-algerian educator and philosopher who taught at both the sorbonne 1960-1964, and at the ens 1965-1965.

  • See all famous people who died on October 9th


October 9th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On October 9th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Libra according to the Western Zodiac.

Libra zodiac sign

October 9th: what is special about the Libra sign?

The Libra sign encompasses people born between September 23rd and October 22nd.

You can discover Libra's personality traits and attitude and Libra's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Libra born in October discover why October born are so special.


October 9th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on October 9th in history:

  • Oct 9, 1918: Landgrave Friedrich Karl of Hessen-Kassel is elected King of Finland.
  • Oct 9, 1926: Dutch Queen Wilhelmina opens Royal Colonial Institution
  • Oct 9, 1928: New York Yankees sweep Saint Louis Cardinals in 25th World Series; Babe Ruth hits three home run in game - New York Yankees become first to sweep consecutive World Series.
  • Oct 9, 1953: British Premier Winston Churchill aproves Guyanese Constitution
  • Oct 9, 1954: KTIV TV channel 4 in Sioux City, IA (NBC) begins broadcasting
  • Oct 9, 1956: 10th NHL All-Star Game: All-Stars beat Montreal 1-1 at Montreal
  • Oct 9, 1971: Japans Emperor Hirohito visits Netherlands
  • Oct 9, 1972: Dude opens at Broadway Theater NYC for 16 performances
  • Oct 9, 1973: 1st general striking in Luxembourg since 1942
  • Oct 9, 2001: Anthrax letters continue to be mailed from Princeton (New Jersey) to the U.S. Senators Tom Daschle from South Dakota and Patrick Leahy from Vermont.
  • Oct 9, 2003: The Mission: Space attraction opens at Walt Disney World's Epcot. It cost US$150million to build.
  • Oct 9, 2007: SAB Miller and Molson Coors have announced a joint venture called MillerCoors to be more competitive with Anheuser-Busch on the US market.

What day of the year is October 9th?

October 9th marks the 282nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 283rd in case of leap years).

There are 83 days remaining until the end of the year.

October 9th is the 9th day of the month of October.