October 29th: What is special about this date?

October 29th marks the 302nd day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 303rd in case of leap years). There are 63 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on October 29th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to October 29th and what happened on October 29th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about October 29th.


October 29th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On October 29th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Gabrielle Union
    Gabrielle Union (1972)

    American actress and activist, known for her roles in films and TV shows, and her advocacy for women's rights and racial equality.

  • Winona Ryder
    Winona Ryder (1971)

    American actress who entered movies at age 13 following a less-than-conventional upbringing by intellectual hippy parents who were both...

  • Kate Jackson
    Kate Jackson (1948)

    Kate jackson is an american tv actress best known for her role as sabrina duncan in the television series charlie's angels.

  • Andy Richter
    Andy Richter (1966)

    Andy richter is an american comedian known for his work as the sidekick to conan o'brien on his late-night talk shows.

  • Tracee Ellis Ross
    Tracee Ellis Ross (1972)

    Tracee ellis ross is an american actress known for her role as dr.

  • Joan Plowright
    Joan Plowright (1929)

    Joan plowright is a british actress known for her work in stage, film, and television, and for her marriage to sir laurence olivier.

  • Richard Dreyfuss
    Richard Dreyfuss (1947)

    American actor who rose in prominence in the early 1970s with a variety of roles.

  • Edwige Feuillère
    Edwige Feuillère (1907)

    French actress on stage/film/tv, director, producer.

  • Chelan Simmons
    Chelan Simmons (1982)

    Canadian actress and model.

  • Félix Marten
    Félix Marten (1919)

    French actor, director, and singer.

  • See more celebrities born on October 29th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


October 29th: who died on this date?

On October 29th the following celebrities died:

  • Franco Corelli
    Franco Corelli (2003)

    Italian tenor, named "favorite tenor" of the century.

  • John Witherspoon
    John Witherspoon (2019)

    American actor and comedian (d. 2019).

  • Adolphe Menjou
    Adolphe Menjou (1963)

    American actor.

  • Lloyd Bochner
    Lloyd Bochner (2005)

    Canadian-american actor (d. 2005).

  • Christianjames Pulitzer (1911)

    Pioneering journalist and newspaper publisher, established the Pulitzer Prize.

  • Joseph Pulitzer (1911)

    Hungarian-american publisher.

  • Frances Hodgson Burnett (1924)

    Frances Hodgson Burnett was a British-American novelist and playwright best known for her children's novels such as 'The Secret Garden' and...

  • Leticia Baldrige (2012)

    Leticia Baldrige was an American journalist, author, and etiquette expert who served as the White House Social Secretary during the Kennedy...

  • See all famous people who died on October 29th


October 29th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On October 29th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Scorpio according to the Western Zodiac.

Scorpio zodiac sign

October 29th: what is special about the Scorpio sign?

The Scorpio sign encompasses people born between October 23rd and November 21st.

You can discover Scorpio's personality traits and attitude and Scorpio's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Scorpio born in October discover why October born are so special.


October 29th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on October 29th in history:

  • Oct 29, 1920: Ed Barrow appointed GM of New York Yankees
  • Oct 29, 1923: Army move SPD / KPD-Government to German part of Saxon
  • Oct 29, 1929: Black Tuesday Stock Market crashes trigger the Great Depression
  • Oct 29, 1941: The Holocaust: In the Kaunas Ghetto, over 10,000 Jews are shot by German occupiers at the Ninth Fort, a massacre known as the "Great Action".
  • Oct 29, 1958: Boris Pasternak refuses Nobel prize for literature
  • Oct 29, 1969: Supreme Court orders end to all school desegregation at once
  • Oct 29, 1974: Law bans discrimination of sex or marital status in credit application
  • Oct 29, 1980: Demonstration flight of a secretly modified C-130 for an Iran hostage crisis rescue attempt ends in a crash landing at Eglin Air Force Base's Duke Field, Florida, leading to the cancellation of Operation Credible Sport.
  • Oct 29, 2005: More than 60 people were killed in the Delhi bombings on 29 October 2005.
  • Oct 29, 2009: The Haitian Senate votes in favor of removing Prime Minister Michele Pierre-Louis.
  • Oct 29, 2016: Sectarianism in Pakistan: Five people were killed and many more injured when armed terrorists opened fire on Majlis members at a Karachi home in the Nazimabad area of Karachi.
  • Oct 29, 2017: Northern Rakhine State Clashes: More than 2000 people marched in Yangon to support the military and ask it to protect the country's sovereignty, national security, and stop illegal invaders (referring specifically to the Rohingya).

What day of the year is October 29th?

October 29th marks the 302nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 303rd in case of leap years).

There are 63 days remaining until the end of the year.

October 29th is the 29th day of the month of October.