What happened on Saturday November 20, 1976?

About November 20th, 1976, in brief:

  • Historical events: George Harrison made a memorable appearance on Saturday Night Live, where he interacted with show creator Lorne Michaels and performed music alongside Paul Simon. He sang 'Here Comes the Sun' and collaborated with Simon on 'Homeward Bound', also showcasing two music videos during the episode.
  • Day of the week: November 20th, 1976 was a Saturday
  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio (in western zodiac), Dragon (in Chinese zodiac)
  • Moon Phase: Waning crescent
  • #1 US song: Tonight's The Night (Gonna Be Alright) by Rod Stewart
  • #1 UK song: If You Leave Me Now by Chicago
  • Popular movie: Silver Streak directed by Arthur Hiller

More about November 20th, 1976? See below for more news and curiosities on November 20th, 1976.


November 20, 1976: What happened on that day?

Here's what happened on November 20, 1976:

  • George Harrison on Saturday Night Live George Harrison made a memorable appearance on Saturday Night Live, where he interacted with show creator Lorne Michaels and performed music alongside Paul Simon. He sang 'Here Comes the Sun' and collaborated with Simon on 'Homeward Bound', also showcasing two music videos during the episode.
  • Judy Rankin Wins LPGA Golf Tournament Professional golfer Judy Rankin secured victory at the Colgate-Hong Kong Golf Open, demonstrating her skill and competitive prowess in the LPGA tournament.

Events in 1976

November 20, 1976: What were the magazines covers and newspapers that day?

LIFE Magazine

Magazines from Nov. 20, 1976

Newspapers from Nov. 20, 1976

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What day of the week was November 20, 1976?

November 20, 1976 was a Saturday and it was the 325th day of the year 1976 in the Gregorian calendar.

November 20, 1976 can also be written as 11/20/1976 in the US and as 20/11/1976 in UK and Europe.

November 20, 1976 in November 1976 calendar

November 1976

Birth chart on this day

Discover the planets positions on November 20th, 1976 as well as what the sky looked like at your place

see horoscope and birth chart for November 20, 1976
Planetary positions on  - Geocentric view

Who was born on November 20, 1976?

Famous people born on November 20, 1976:

  • Tusshar Kapoor
    Tusshar Kapoor

    Indian Bollywood actor and producer known for his roles in comedy and drama films.

  • Laura Harris
    Laura Harris

    Canadian actress and producer known for her memorable roles in TV shows like 'Dead Like Me' and film 'The Faculty'.

  • Dominique Dawes

    Legendary Olympic gymnast who made history as the first African-American woman to win an individual Olympic gold medal in gymnastics.

  • Atsushi Yoneyama

    Japanese footballer.

  • Nebojša Stefanović

    Serbian politician.

  • Doug Viney

    New zealand boxer.

  • Mohamed Barakat

    Egyptian footballer.

  • Beto

    Brazilian footballer.

  • DeJuan Collins

    American basketball player.

  • Adrián Hernán González

    Argentine footballer.

  • Harold Jamison

    American basketball player.

  • Pascal Roller

    German basketball player.

  • Francisco Rufete

    Spanish footballer.

  • Jason Thompson (actor)

Famous people born in 1976

Famous people born on November 20th


November 20, 1976: What famous people died on that day?

Famous people died on November 20, 1976:

  • Bruno Corra
  • Maria Di Gregorio
  • Trofim Denisovič Lysenko
  • M'hamed Chenik
  • Fontaine La Rue

Famous people who died in 1976

Famous people who died on November 20th

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vinyl songs

November 20, 1976: Number 1 song on that day

The number 1 song on November 20, 1976 is the best selling or most popular song as resulting from the music charts in the week November 15th and November 21st. It changes depending on Countries, Music Genres and methodology used to rank the most popular song (for ex., sales, streaming).

November 20, 1976: What was the number 1 song in the USA on that day?

The number 1 song in the USA on November 20, 1976 was Tonight's The Night (Gonna Be Alright) by Rod Stewart, according to the music chart for the week November 15th and November 21st.

  1. - Tonight's The Night (Gonna Be Alright) youtube
  2. - The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald youtube
  3. - Love So Right youtube
  4. - Muskrat Love youtube
  5. - Disco Duck (Part 1) youtube

November 20, 1976: What was the number 1 song in the UK on that day?

The number 1 song in the UK on November 20, 1976 was If You Leave Me Now by Chicago, according to the music chart for the week November 15th and November 21st.

  1. - If You Leave Me Now youtube
  2. - Mississippi youtube
  3. - You Make Me Feel Like Dancing youtube
  4. - Under The Moon Of Love youtube
  5. - Don't Take Away The Music youtube

November 20, 1976: What was the number 1 R&B song on that day?

The number 1 R&B song on November 20, 1976 was You Don't Have To Be A Star by Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis, Jr., according to the music chart for the week November 15th and November 21st.

  1. - You Don't Have To Be A Star
  2. - Enjoy Yourself
  3. - Love Ballad
  4. - Keep Me Cryin'
  5. - Dazz youtube

November 20, 1976: What is The Zodiac Sign for that day?

 zodiac sign

The Zodiac and Astrological sign for November 20th is Scorpio.

Discover the zodiac sign and horoscope for any day in the past.

Scorpio is the 8th sign in the Western Zodiac. People born between October 23rd and November 21st belong to the Scorpio sign: discover Scorpio personality and who should a Scorpio marry.

Babies born in November are either Scorpio or Sagittarius. People born before November 21st are Scorpio, while people born from November 22nd have the sign of Sagittarius.

Discover the personality of November born.

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November 20, 1976: What is the Chinese Zodiac Sign for that day?

Dragon chinese zodiac sign

The Chinese Zodiac sign for November 20, 1976 is Dragon and the associated element is Fire.

Discover the Dragon personality and how the Fire Element might affect a person's traits and compatibility with other signs according to the Chinese zodiac.

Try our calculator to discover your Chinese zodiac sign based on your date of birth

November 20, 1976: What was the moon phase on that day?

Moon phase


The moon phase on November 20, 1976 was Waning crescent.

The moon phase refers to the appearance of the Moon in the night sky on November 20, 1976 and is determined by the portion of the Moon's illuminated surface that is visible from Earth.

An observer located in New York City on November 20, 1976 at 10pm, would see the moon, being 0% full, rising at 05:25 am and setting at 04:53 pm.

The previous full moon was on Nov 06, 1976 while the next full moon would come on Dec 06, 1976.

Unveil Your Inner Self: Discover Your Moon Sign Now!

Explore Moon Phases in November 1976

Your place in the Universe on November 20, 1976

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How old is someone born on November 20, 1976?

Someone born on November 20, 1976 is:

48 years 1 month old,

or 577 months and 24 days old,

or 2512 weeks and 2 days old,

or 17586 days old,

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How many days until your next birthday if you were born on November 20, 1976?

There are 312 days until your next birthday, which will occur on Thursday November 20th 2025.

Try out our Countdown calculator to find out are many days are left until your special moments.

What generation do you belong to if you were born on November 20, 1976?

You belong to the Generation X if you were born on November 20, 1976.

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This day in 30 sec.

Saturday November 20, 1976