September 6th: What is special about this date?

September 6th marks the 249th day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 250th in case of leap years). There are 116 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on September 6th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to September 6th and what happened on September 6th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about September 6th.


September 6th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On September 6th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Idris Elba
    Idris Elba (1972)

    Idris elba is a british actor known for his roles in tv shows like the wire and luther, as well as for his performances in movies such as...

  • Rosie Perez
    Rosie Perez (1964)

    Rosie Perez is an American actress and choreographer known for her roles in films like Do the Right Thing and White Men Can't Jump.

  • Michael Winslow
    Michael Winslow (1958)

    American screenwriter and producer of comedians.

  • Jane Curtin
    Jane Curtin (1947)

    American comedian and actress who rose to fame on tv's saturday night live.

  • Tim Henman
    Tim Henman (1974)

    A british tennis star, who won the sydney men’s singles tournament in 1996.

  • Carly Fiorina
    Carly Fiorina (1954)

    Ex-us business executive, currently seeking the nomination of the republican party for president of the united states.

  • Naomie Harris
    Naomie Harris (1976)

    Naomie harris is an english actress known for her roles in the james bond film series and the movie moonlight.

  • Swoosie Kurtz
    Swoosie Kurtz (1944)

    Amercan actress, with two tony awards under her belt.

  • Justina Machado
    Justina Machado (1972)

    Puerto rican actress.

  • John Berry
    John Berry (1917)

    American-french actor, screenwriter and producer (d. 1999).

  • See more celebrities born on September 6th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


September 6th: who died on this date?

On September 6th the following celebrities died:

  • Jean-Paul Belmondo
    Jean-Paul Belmondo (2021)

    French actor, hailed as the new anti-hero of cinema in 1957 after he was a huge success in "a bout de souffle.

  • Gertrude Lawrence
    Gertrude Lawrence (1952)

    An english actress, singer and dancer, she is also a comedian and singer.

  • John McCain
    John McCain (1945)

    American politician.

  • Burt Reynolds
    Burt Reynolds (2018)

    American actor and virile leading man in films of the 1960s and 1970s.

  • Tom Wilson
    Tom Wilson (1978)

    American cartoonist, ziggy, creator of the character.

  • Anita Page
    Anita Page (2008)

    American singer and actress (d. 2008).

  • Kay Kendall
    Kay Kendall (1959)

    British actress genevieve dies from leukemia at 32.

  • Ernest Tubb
    Ernest Tubb (1984)

    American singer-songwriter/guitarist (d. 1984).

  • Liz Fraser
    Liz Fraser (2018)

    English actress (b. 1930).

  • Blanche Sweet
    Blanche Sweet (1986)

    Us actress (dw griffith movies), passes away at 90.

  • See all famous people who died on September 6th


September 6th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On September 6th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Virgo according to the Western Zodiac.

Virgo zodiac sign

September 6th: what is special about the Virgo sign?

The Virgo sign encompasses people born between August 23rd and September 22nd.

You can discover Virgo's personality traits and attitude and Virgo's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Virgo born in September discover why September born are so special.


September 6th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on September 6th in history:

  • Sep 6, 1903: Start of Sherlock Holmes Adventure of Creeping Man (BG)
  • Sep 6, 1920: 40th US Mens Tennis: Wm Tilden beats Wm M Johnston (61 16 75 57 63)
  • Sep 6, 1923: Queen Wilhelmina celebrates 25 year jubilee
  • Sep 6, 1938: Wilhelmina celebrates 40th anniversary jubilee as Dutch Queen
  • Sep 6, 1941: 55th US Womens Tennis: Sarah H Cooke beats Pauline Betz Addie
  • Sep 6, 1949: Howard Unruh kills 13 neighbors in 12 minutes
  • Sep 6, 1958: Mary Ann Mobley (Miss), 21, crowned 31st Miss America 1959
  • Sep 6, 1968: Swaziland becomes independent.
  • Sep 6, 1969: Cabaret closes at Broadhurst Theater NYC after 1166 performances
  • Sep 6, 1980: 94th US Womens Tennis: Chris E L Mills beats H Mandlikova
  • Sep 6, 2009: Ira & Larry Goldberg, Auctioneers in Beverly Hills, California, conduct the auction for part one of Dan Holmes' collection of US large coins.
  • Sep 6, 2017: Pope Francis visits Colombia to conduct pastoral visits: Pope Francis arrives in Colombia for five days. Francis had promised to visit South America in early 2016 after a peace treaty on civil war was signed.

What day of the year is September 6th?

September 6th marks the 249th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 250th in case of leap years).

There are 116 days remaining until the end of the year.

September 6th is the 6th day of the month of September.