December 20th: What is special about this date?
December 20th marks the 354th day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 355th in case of leap years). There are 11 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on December 20th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to December 20th and what happened on December 20th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about December 20th.
Table of contents
- December 20th: what famous birthdays are on this date?
- December 20th: who died on this date?
- December 20th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?
- December 20th: what happened on this date in history?
- What day of the year is December 20th?
- December 20th: What are the Holidays, Observances and Saints celebrated on that day?
December 20th: what famous birthdays are on this date?
On December 20th there are the following famous birthdays:
- Jaydy Michel (1975)
Mexican actress known for her work in telenovelas.
- Jonah Hill (1983)
American actor known for his roles in comedy films.
- Bob Morley (1984)
- Alain de Botton (1969)
Swiss-english philosopher, author.
- Jenny Agutter (1952)
British actress known for her roles in 'Logan's Run' and 'An American Werewolf in London'.
- Nicole de Boer (1970)
Canadian actress.
- David Cook (1982)
American singer, winner on american idol.
- John Hillerman (1932)
American actor, stage and film.
- Audrey Totter (1918)
Joliet, illinois -- actress (carpetbaggers, set-up).
- George Roy Hill (1921)
American film director (born in 1922).
How to check someone's birthday?
If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide
December 20th: who died on this date?
On December 20th the following celebrities died:
- Brittany Murphy (2009)
Brittany murphy was an american actress known for her roles in popular films such as clueless, 8 mile, and just married.
- Carl Sagan (1996)
American astrophysicist and exobiologist.
- John Steinbeck (1968)
American writer who wrote best-selling novels and was made into movies.
- Thomas Newman (1991)
Actor/composer (cape fear) dies at 60 from a heart attack.
- Bobby Darin (1973)
American singer, actor and recording artist.
- Arnold Stang (2009)
American singer and actor (d. 2009).
- Madge Sinclair (1995)
Kingston, jamaica -- actress.
- Helene Heigh (1991)
Actress (undercover woman teen age thunder), died at 86.
December 20th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?
On December 20th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Sagittarius according to the Western Zodiac.
December 20th: what is special about the Sagittarius sign?
The Sagittarius sign encompasses people born between November 22nd and December 21st.
You can discover Sagittarius's personality traits and attitude and Sagittarius's most and least compatible signs.
If you're a Sagittarius born in December discover why December born are so special.
December 20th: what happened on this date in history?
Here's what happened on December 20th in history:
- Dec 20, 1915: Russian troops overrun Qom, Persia.
- Dec 20, 1935: Pope Pius XI publishes encyclical Ad Catholici Sacerdotii
- Dec 20, 1945: Rationing of auto tires ends in US.
- Dec 20, 1952: KHQ TV channel 6 in Spokane, WA (NBC) begins broadcasting
- Dec 20, 1965: WFP made a permanent UN agency.
- Dec 20, 1966: Nuclear Planning Group forms in Brussels
- Dec 20, 1981: Dreamgirls opens at Imperial Theater NYC for 1522 performances
- Dec 20, 1985: Denis Potvin passes Bobby Orr as NHL defenseman scorer (916 points).
- Dec 20, 1988: NBC signs lease to stay in New York City for 33 more years.
- Dec 20, 1995: Paul Roebson opens at Longacre Theater NYC for 14 performances
- Dec 20, 2002: Barbara Joyce Williams Ferrell is the daughter of Ted Williams, a baseball player. She has settled her lawsuit to have her father's body taken from a cryonics storage unit and cremated.
- Dec 20, 2014: War in North-West Pakistan: Five militants are killed when the Pakistan Armed Forces attack two Taliban positions near Peshawar.
What day of the year is December 20th?
December 20th marks the 354th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 355th in case of leap years).
There are 11 days remaining until the end of the year.
December 20th is the 20th day of the month of December.
What day of the week is December 20th, 2024?
On December 20th, 2024 the day of the week is Friday.
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Find out what day of the week December 20th was over the years by using the below way back calendar
December 2024 calendar December 2023 calendar December 2022 calendar December 2021 calendar December 2020 calendar December 2019 calendar December 2018 calendar December 2017 calendar December 2016 calendar December 2015 calendar December 2014 calendar December 2013 calendar December 2012 calendar December 2011 calendar December 2010 calendar December 2009 calendar December 2008 calendar December 2007 calendar December 2006 calendar December 2005 calendar December 2004 calendar December 2003 calendar December 2002 calendar December 2001 calendar December 2000 calendar December 1999 calendar December 1998 calendar December 1997 calendar December 1996 calendar December 1995 calendar