December 18th: What is special about this date?

December 18th marks the 352nd day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 353rd in case of leap years). There are 13 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on December 18th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to December 18th and what happened on December 18th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about December 18th.


December 18th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On December 18th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Brad Pitt
    Brad Pitt (1963)

    American actor and sex icon.

  • Christina Aguilera
    Christina Aguilera (1980)

    American singer, songwriter, actress.

  • Katie Holmes
    Katie Holmes (1978)

    American actress who made a remarkable career, was accepted in her first audition for "the ice storm" as a supporting actor.

  • Steven Spielberg
    Steven Spielberg (1946)

    American film producer and director.

  • Keith Richards
    Keith Richards (1943)

    British musician who founded "the rolling stones", with mick jagger, in july 1962.

  • Gladys Cooper
    Gladys Cooper (1888)

    Gladys Cooper was an English actress who had a successful career on stage and screen, earning multiple awards.

  • Ray Liotta
    Ray Liotta (1954)

    American actor seen in "lethal weapon", and "goodfellas.

  • Alejandro Sanz
    Alejandro Sanz (1968)

    World music singer.

  • Trish Stratus
    Trish Stratus (1975)

    Canadian professional wrestler.

  • Betty Grable
    Betty Grable (1916)

    American actress, singer, and dancer.

  • See more celebrities born on December 18th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


December 18th: who died on this date?

On December 18th the following celebrities died:

  • Robert Bresson
    Robert Bresson (1999)

    He was a french film director who directed 14 films over 40 years.

  • Chris Farley
    Chris Farley (1997)

    American comedian who died after consuming booze, cocaine, and heroin in his chicago condo 12/18/1997.

  • Gilbert Bécaud
    Gilbert Bécaud (2001)

    He was a french singer-songwriter who wrote french songs like "what now my love?" "je t'appartiens", which was renamed by the everly...

  • Virna Lisi
    Virna Lisi (2014)

    Italian actress and voluptuous lead lady, after her roles in local films, she was internationally recognized for "the black tulip," 1963,"...

  • Diana Lynn
    Diana Lynn (1971)

    Los angeles, california -- actress.

  • Joseph Barbera
    Joseph Barbera (2006)

    American cartoonist (born 1911).

  • Sam Wanamaker
    Sam Wanamaker (1993)

    American actor.

  • Mandy Rice-Davies
    Mandy Rice-Davies (2014)

    English model and actress (b. 1944)[46].

  • Lilia Skala
    Lilia Skala (1994)

    Actress from austria/usa (ship of fools and caprice) dies at the age of 98.

  • Anne Revere
    Anne Revere (1990)

    Actress (national velvet), passes away from pneumonia at 87.

  • See all famous people who died on December 18th


December 18th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On December 18th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Sagittarius according to the Western Zodiac.

Sagittarius zodiac sign

December 18th: what is special about the Sagittarius sign?

The Sagittarius sign encompasses people born between November 22nd and December 21st.

You can discover Sagittarius's personality traits and attitude and Sagittarius's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Sagittarius born in December discover why December born are so special.


December 18th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on December 18th in history:

  • Dec 18, 1900: The Upper Ferntree Gully to Gembrook Narrow-gauge (2 ft 6 in or 762 mm) Railway (now the Puffing Billy Railway) in Victoria, Australia is opened for traffic.
  • Dec 18, 1905: H V Hordern takes 8-81 in second innings of F-C debut (New South Wales versus Queensland).
  • Dec 18, 1915: President Wilson, widowed the year before, marries Edith Bolling Galt.
  • Dec 18, 1945: Uruguay joins the United Nations.
  • Dec 18, 1952: Ellis W Ryan resigns as Cleveland Indians president.
  • Dec 18, 1965: La Grusse Valise closes at 54th St. Theater NYC after 7 performances
  • Dec 18, 1966: Saturn's moon Epimetheus is discovered by astronomer Richard Walker.
  • Dec 18, 1988: Seattle Seahawks win their first ever division title with 9-7 record.
  • Dec 18, 1994: Comedy Tonight opens at Lunt-Fontanne Theater NYC for 8 performances
  • Dec 18, 2002: 2003 California recall: Gray Davis, the Governor of California, announces that California would be facing a record deficit of $35 billion. This figure is roughly twice the amount reported by him during his reelection campaign.
  • Dec 18, 2004: A large number of Sikh protestors demonstrate outside a Birmingham theatre, England against a play (Behzti), which depicts sex abuse in a Sikh temple and murder. Theatre stormed and occupied by a few protestors.
  • Dec 18, 2014: Gumsuri kidnapping news: After survivors reach Maiduguri, it is reported that Boko Haram militants attacked the remote village Gumsuri in northwestern Nigeria on December 14, killing at most 33 and kidnapping around 200.

What day of the year is December 18th?

December 18th marks the 352nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 353rd in case of leap years).

There are 13 days remaining until the end of the year.

December 18th is the 18th day of the month of December.