July 28th: What is special about this date?

July 28th marks the 209th day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 210th in case of leap years). There are 156 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on July 28th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to July 28th and what happened on July 28th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about July 28th.


July 28th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On July 28th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Georgia Engel
    Georgia Engel (1948)

    American actress known for her roles in television sitcoms such as 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show' and 'Everybody Loves Raymond'.

  • Dulquer Salmaan
    Dulquer Salmaan (1986)

    Dulquer salmaan is an indian actor known for his work in malayalam cinema and has gained popularity for his versatile performances.

  • Lori Loughlin
    Lori Loughlin (1964)

    Lori loughlin is an american actress known for her role as rebecca donaldson-katsopolis on the sitcom full house and its sequel fuller...

  • Sally Struthers
    Sally Struthers (1947)

    American actress gloria, a vacuous character in the tv series all in the family that debuted on 1/12/1971, is her most well-known role.

  • Leonor Watling
    Leonor Watling (1975)

    Spanish singer and actress (marlango).

  • Alexis Arquette
    Alexis Arquette (1969)

    American actress, musician and cabaret performer (b. 1969).

  • Francis Veber
    Francis Veber (1937)

    French screenwriter, producer, director and theater playwright.

  • Bill Bradley
    Bill Bradley (1943)

    American politician and former basketball star.

  • Woody Strode
    Woody Strode (1914)

    Former professional football player turned actor, appeared in films like 'Spartacus' and 'Once Upon a Time in the West'.

  • Rudy Vallee
    Rudy Vallee (1901)

    Rudy Vallee was a popular American singer and actor known for his distinctive voice and crooning style.

  • See more celebrities born on July 28th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


July 28th: who died on this date?

On July 28th the following celebrities died:

  • Eileen Brennan
    Eileen Brennan (2013)

    American actress, who is the daughter a doctor and actress.

  • Bernard Cribbins
    Bernard Cribbins (2022)

    British comedian actor, voice-over and tv personality.

  • Marie Dressler
    Marie Dressler (1934)

    Canadian-american singer and actress (d. 1934).

  • Eugene Roche
    Eugene Roche (2004)

    Boston, massachusetts -- actor (foul play and slaughterhouse five).

  • Jill Esmond
    Jill Esmond (1990)

    Actress (13 women, my pal wolfe fp 1, 82).

  • Helen Traubel
    Helen Traubel (1972)

    American actress and soprano (d. 1972).

  • Joahan Sebastian Bach (1750)

    One of the greatest composers of all time, known for his masterful compositions.

  • Kyen Smith (1940)

    Inventor of a groundbreaking technology that revolutionized communication.

  • Sebasthian Bach (1750)

    Renowned composer of the Baroque period known for his compositions such as the Brandenburg Concertos.

  • See all famous people who died on July 28th


July 28th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On July 28th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Leo according to the Western Zodiac.

Leo zodiac sign

July 28th: what is special about the Leo sign?

The Leo sign encompasses people born between July 23rd and August 22nd.

You can discover Leo's personality traits and attitude and Leo's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Leo born in July discover why July born are so special.


July 28th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on July 28th in history:

  • Jul 28, 1900: Hamburger created by Louis Lassing in Connecticut.
  • Jul 28, 1915: 10,000 blacks march on 5th Ave (New York City) protesting lynchings.
  • Jul 28, 1942: Nazis liquidate 10,000 Jews in Minsk Belorussia Ghetto
  • Jul 28, 1944: Hitler routes 4 division of South France to Normandy
  • Jul 28, 1952: Rogers Hornsby replaces Luke Sewell, as Cincinnati Reds manager
  • Jul 28, 1959: Great-Britain starts using postal codes
  • Jul 28, 1988: IBM announces price hike on older models
  • Jul 28, 1993: Mariner Ken Griffey Jr is 3rd to hit HRs in 8 straight games
  • Jul 28, 2004: According to the Catholic Church, a "weeping" statue at a Vietnamese Catholic Centre near Brisbane is not a miracle.
  • Jul 28, 2010: 25 people were killed when a bomb was dropped on a bus carrying civilians in Nimruz Province, southwest Afghanistan. (Press TV),
  • Jul 28, 2011: In a clash with Abu Sayyaf militants at Jolo Island, seven Philippine Army soldiers were killed and 21 others were injured.
  • Jul 28, 2014: Pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine 2014: Ukrainian forces retake control of Savur Mohyla, Donetsk's strategic height from pro-Russian rebels. Interfax: Ukrainian forces retake control of Debaltseve and Shakhtarsk in Donetsk from pro-Russian separatists. (Kyiv Post). The US and EU have increased sanctions against Russia.

What day of the year is July 28th?

July 28th marks the 209th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 210th in case of leap years).

There are 156 days remaining until the end of the year.

July 28th is the 28th day of the month of July.