July 2nd: What is special about this date?

July 2nd marks the 183rd day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 184th in case of leap years). There are 182 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on July 2nd, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to July 2nd and what happened on July 2nd in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about July 2nd.


July 2nd: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On July 2nd there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Lindsay Lohan
    Lindsay Lohan (1986)

    American actress, singer-songwriter, model, director, and producer.

  • Alex Morgan
    Alex Morgan (1989)

    Alex morgan is a professional soccer player known for her success with the united states women's national soccer team and her club teams, as...

  • Ashley Tisdale
    Ashley Tisdale (1985)

    Ashley tisdale is an american singer and actress known for her roles in the high school musical series and her music career.

  • Margot Robbie
    Margot Robbie (1990)

    Margot robbie is an australian actress known for her roles in movies such as 'the wolf of wall street' and 'suicide squad'.

  • Charles Laughton
    Charles Laughton (1899)

    Charles laughton was a renowned british actor known for his powerful performances in classic films such as the hunchback of notre dame and...

  • Line Renaud
    Line Renaud (1928)

    French star with legendary successes in every aspect of show business.

  • Larry David
    Larry David (1947)

    Brooklyn, new york -- comedian (fridays) / writer (seinfeld).

  • Michelle Branch
    Michelle Branch (1983)

    American singer (the wreckers).

  • Kathryn Erbe
    Kathryn Erbe (1965)

    American actress, best known for her role in det.

  • Ron Silver
    Ron Silver (1946)

    American actor, director, and political activist (d. 2009).

  • See more celebrities born on July 2nd

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


July 2nd: who died on this date?

On July 2nd the following celebrities died:

  • James Stewart
    James Stewart (1997)

    James stewart was an iconic american actor known for his roles in classic films such as it's a wonderful life and mr.

  • Betty Grable
    Betty Grable (1973)

    American actress, singer, and dancer.

  • Lee Remick
    Lee Remick (1991)

    Actress (days of wine & roses), is diagnosed with cancer at the age of 55.

  • Beverly Sills
    Beverly Sills (2007)

    American singer.

  • Fred Gwynne
    Fred Gwynne (1993)

    American comedian and actor (born 1926).

  • Elizabeth Spriggs
    Elizabeth Spriggs (2008)

    English actress and screenwriter (b. 1929).

  • Jan Murray
    Jan Murray (2006)

    Bronx, new york -- comedian - (treasure hunt: who killed teddy bear?.

  • Frances Howard
    Frances Howard (1976)

    Actress (swan and shock punch), died at 73.

  • Mayjor Hemingway (1961)

    Iconic writer known for his impactful prose and storytelling.

  • Joseff Hemingway (1961)

    Iconic American novelist and short story writer.

  • See all famous people who died on July 2nd


July 2nd: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On July 2nd, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Cancer according to the Western Zodiac.

Cancer zodiac sign

July 2nd: what is special about the Cancer sign?

The Cancer sign encompasses people born between June 21st and July 22nd.

You can discover Cancer's personality traits and attitude and Cancer's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Cancer born in July discover why July born are so special.


July 2nd: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on July 2nd in history:

  • Jul 2, 1919: Syrian National Congress in Damascus. Arab nationalist announce independence.
  • Jul 2, 1933: Carl Hubbell shuts-out Saint Louis Cardinals 1-0 in 18 innings without a walk.
  • Jul 2, 1943: Gulf of Biskaje: Liberator bombers sinks U-126
  • Jul 2, 1948: 62nd Wimbledon Mens Tennis: Falkenburg beats Bromwich
  • Jul 2, 1957: 1st submarine designed to fire guided missiles launched, Grayback
  • Jul 2, 1960: Once Upon a Mattress closes at Alvin Theater NYC after 460 performances
  • Jul 2, 1983: 90th Wimbledon Womens Tennis: M Navratilova beats A Jaeger
  • Jul 2, 1987: Jim Eisenreich, comeback after nervous disorder in 1984
  • Jul 2, 1990: Panic in tunnel of Mecca: 1,426 pilgrims trampled to death
  • Jul 2, 2000: Tenchi Muyo first broadcast on American Television
  • Jul 2, 2006: Bono, U2's frontman, says that despite having made promises to Africa one year ago at the Live 8 concerts. Bono stated in a CNN interview that not enough has been done to promote trade fairs.
  • Jul 2, 2008: The Colombian armed forces rescue Ingrid Betancourt and 14 other hostages being held by FARC rebels.

What day of the year is July 2nd?

July 2nd marks the 183rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 184th in case of leap years).

There are 182 days remaining until the end of the year.

July 2nd is the 2nd day of the month of July.