Your place in the Universe on 1909
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Get your map!1909 (MCMIX in Roman Numerals) was the year starting on Friday of the Gregorian calendar, the 1909th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations.
Is 1909 a year special to you? Discover what 1909 was famous for, Key World Leaders of 1909, 1909 Time’s Person of the Year, the #1 song, movie and book in 1909, how old is someone born in 1909 and what Chinese zodiac sign is associated to 1909.
On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about 1909 to help you enjoy your trip down memory lane.
In 1909, Theodore Roosevelt (Republican) was President of the United States until March 04, 1909; on March 04, 1909, William Howard Taft (Republican) was appointed as the new President of the United States.
In 1909 the UK Prime Minister was H. H. Asquith (Liberal). During his premiership, he oversaw the early years of World War I and introduced major constitutional reforms, including the Parliament Act of 1911.
The leader of the Catholic Church in 1909 was Pope Pius X who had held the papacy since 1903. His pontificate is known for his liturgical reforms, promotion of early Communion for children, and opposition to modernist interpretations of Catholic doctrine.
The number 1 song in the USA in 1909, i.e. the best selling and most popular song of tha year, was I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now by Henry Burr
The most popular movie and box office hit was Before and After by Barbet Schroeder
Someone born in 1909 is 116 years old this year.
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According to the Chinese Zodiac and Astrology 1909 was the Year of the Rooster.
Discover Zodiac Sign Characteristics and Personality Traits of people born under the Rooster sign.