November 15th: What is special about this date?

November 15th marks the 319th day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 320th in case of leap years). There are 46 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on November 15th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to November 15th and what happened on November 15th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about November 15th.


November 15th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On November 15th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Petula Clark
    Petula Clark (1932)

    Petula Clark is a British singer, actress, and songwriter who rose to fame in the 1960s with hits like 'Downtown' and 'I Know a Place'.

  • Shailene Woodley
    Shailene Woodley (1991)

    Shailene woodley is an american actress known for her roles in the divergent series and the fault in our stars.

  • Virginie Ledoyen
    Virginie Ledoyen (1976)

    She is a french actress of spanish heritage.

  • Gaby Espino
    Gaby Espino (1976)

    Gaby espino is a venezuelan actress and model known for her roles in telenovelas and her work in the entertainment industry.

  • Edward Asner
    Edward Asner (1929)

    Edward asner is an american actor known for his role as lou grant in the mary tyler moore show and its spin-off series.

  • Sam Waterston
    Sam Waterston (1940)

    American actor on stage, tv, and film.

  • François Ozon
    François Ozon (1967)

    French screenwriter and producer of director films.

  • Gloria Foster
    Gloria Foster (1933)

    American actress (d. 2001).

  • Bob Gunton
    Bob Gunton (1945)

    American actor.

  • Roger Donaldson
    Roger Donaldson (1945)

    Screenwriter and producer of australian-new zealand directors.

  • See more celebrities born on November 15th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


November 15th: who died on this date?

On November 15th the following celebrities died:

  • Tyrone Power
    Tyrone Power (1958)

    American actor of third generation.

  • Saeed Jaffrey
    Saeed Jaffrey (2015)

    Actor in indian-english (d. 2015).

  • Enid Markey
    Enid Markey (1981)

    Actress (foolish mothers civilization), dies in 85.

  • John Le Mesurier
    John Le Mesurier (1983)

    An english actor best known for his role as sergeant arthur wilson, a comedy character on bbc's dad's army (1968aeur'77).

  • Mona Washbourne
    Mona Washbourne (1988)

    Actress (blue bird and games), dies aged 84.

  • Lillieanna Chang (2010)

    Pioneering researcher in the field of biotechnology, known for groundbreaking discoveries.

  • Stokely Carmichael (1998)

    Prominent figure in the Civil Rights Movement and author of influential works on race and activism.

  • Margaret Mead (1978)

    An American cultural anthropologist who was a frequently featured writer and speaker in the mass media throughout the 20th century.

  • Prosperity Smith (2010)

    Renowned economist who contributed to theories on economic growth and development.

  • Delawrence White (2003)

    Key figure in the civil rights movement advocating for equality and justice.

  • See all famous people who died on November 15th


November 15th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On November 15th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Scorpio according to the Western Zodiac.

Scorpio zodiac sign

November 15th: what is special about the Scorpio sign?

The Scorpio sign encompasses people born between October 23rd and November 21st.

You can discover Scorpio's personality traits and attitude and Scorpio's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Scorpio born in November discover why November born are so special.


November 15th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on November 15th in history:

  • Nov 15, 1901: James J Jeffries TKOs Gus Ruhlin in 6 for heavyweight boxing title
  • Nov 15, 1911: Proclamation sets designs for Canadian $5 and $10 gold coins
  • Nov 15, 1924: Dutch Christian Radio Society (NCRV) forms
  • Nov 15, 1942: World War II: The Battle of Guadalcanal ends in a decisive Allied victory.
  • Nov 15, 1944: Surprise attack on office of Nethche Bank
  • Nov 15, 1946: Ted Williams is picked as AL MVP
  • Nov 15, 1950: 1st Negro player in organized hockey-Arthur Dorrington signed
  • Nov 15, 1951: New York Yankee Gil McDougald wins AL Rookie of Year
  • Nov 15, 1961: Comet C / 1961 T1 (Seki) approaches within 0.1019 AUs of Earth
  • Nov 15, 1993: Howard Stern radio show premieres in Myrtle Beach SC on WYAV 104.1 FM
  • Nov 15, 2010: The 2010 Mount Hood National Forest quarter-dollar is now in circulation at the US Mint
  • Nov 15, 2011: Six militants were killed in a drone attack in Pakistan's North Waziristan Province.

What day of the year is November 15th?

November 15th marks the 319th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 320th in case of leap years).

There are 46 days remaining until the end of the year.

November 15th is the 15th day of the month of November.