What happened on Tuesday July 16, 2019?

About July 16th, 2019, in brief:

  • Historical events: Ursula von der Leyen made history by becoming the first woman elected as President of the European Commission, succeeding Jean-Claude Juncker. She was set to be sworn in on November 1st, 2019, marking a significant milestone in European political leadership.
  • Day of the week: July 16th, 2019 was a Tuesday
  • Zodiac Sign: Cancer (in western zodiac), Pig (in Chinese zodiac)
  • Moon Phase: Waxing gibbous
  • Popular movie: Four Weddings and a Funeral directed by Mike Newell

More about July 16th, 2019? See below for more news and curiosities on July 16th, 2019.


July 16, 2019: What happened on that day?

Here's what happened on July 16, 2019:

  • First Female European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen made history by becoming the first woman elected as President of the European Commission, succeeding Jean-Claude Juncker. She was set to be sworn in on November 1st, 2019, marking a significant milestone in European political leadership.
  • Syrian Civil War Civilian Casualties Syrian government airstrikes in Idlib province targeted residential areas in Jisr al-Shughur and Khan Shaykhun, resulting in at least nine civilian deaths and fourteen injuries, further escalating the humanitarian crisis in the region.
  • R. Kelly Legal Proceedings Controversial American singer R. Kelly pleaded not guilty to federal sex-assault allegations and was subsequently denied bail, representing a critical moment in the high-profile legal case against the musician.
  • Christine Lagarde IMF Departure Christine Lagarde announced her retirement as the International Monetary Fund's managing director, scheduled for September 12, 2019, concluding her influential tenure in global financial leadership.
  • Amazon Congressional Testimony In a significant congressional hearing, Nate Sutton, Amazon's associate general counsel, testified before a U.S. Senate committee and categorically denied using personal data to unfairly compete with smaller third-party sellers on its platform.
  • Alejandro Toledo Extradition Former Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo was arrested in the United States following an extradition request, marking a significant development in ongoing corruption investigations related to the Odebrecht scandal.
  • Mumbai Building Collapse A 100-year-old building in Mumbai, India, collapsed, resulting in at least 10 fatalities and leaving numerous individuals trapped. The incident highlighted the critical infrastructure challenges in aging urban areas.

Events in 2019

July 16, 2019: What were the magazines covers and newspapers that day?

LIFE Magazine

Newspapers from Jul. 16, 2019

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What day of the week was July 16, 2019?

July 16, 2019 was a Tuesday and it was the 197th day of the year 2019 in the Gregorian calendar.

July 16, 2019 can also be written as 7/16/2019 in the US and as 16/7/2019 in UK and Europe.


Birth chart on this day

Discover the planets positions on July 16th, 2019 as well as what the sky looked like at your place

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July 16, 2019: What famous people died on that day?

Famous people died on July 16, 2019:

  • John Paul Stevens

    Prominent American Supreme Court Justice who served from 1975 to 2010, known for his moderate and independent judicial approach.

  • Rosa María Britton
  • Johnny Clegg
  • Pat Kelly
  • Giuseppe Merlo

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July 16, 2019: What is The Zodiac Sign for that day?

 zodiac sign

The Zodiac and Astrological sign for July 16th is Cancer.

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Cancer is the 4th sign in the Western Zodiac. People born between June 21st and July 22nd belong to the Cancer sign: discover Cancer personality and who should a Cancer marry.

Babies born in July are either Cancer or Leo. People born before July 22nd are Cancer, while people born from July 23rd have the sign of Leo.

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July 16, 2019: What is the Chinese Zodiac Sign for that day?

Pig chinese zodiac sign

The Chinese Zodiac sign for July 16, 2019 is Pig and the associated element is Earth.

Discover the Pig personality and how the Earth Element might affect a person's traits and compatibility with other signs according to the Chinese zodiac.

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July 16, 2019: What was the moon phase on that day?

Moon phase


The moon phase on July 16, 2019 was Waxing gibbous.

The moon phase refers to the appearance of the Moon in the night sky on July 16, 2019 and is determined by the portion of the Moon's illuminated surface that is visible from Earth.

An observer located in New York City on July 16, 2019 at 10pm, would see the moon, being 100% full, rising at 08:28 pm and setting at 06:09 am.

The previous full moon was on Jun 17, 2019 while the next full moon would come on Aug 15, 2019.

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Explore Moon Phases in July 2019

Your place in the Universe on July 16, 2019

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How old is someone born on July 16, 2019?

Someone born on July 16, 2019 is:

5 years 5 months old,

or 65 months and 29 days old,

or 287 weeks

or 2009 days old,

Use our How old am I? Calculator to know the age of a person today or use the Age Calculator to determine the interval between two dates.

How many days until your next birthday if you were born on July 16, 2019?

There are 183 days until your next birthday, which will occur on Wednesday July 16th 2025.

Try out our Countdown calculator to find out are many days are left until your special moments.

What generation do you belong to if you were born on July 16, 2019?

You belong to the Gen Alpha generation if you were born on July 16, 2019.

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