What happened on Saturday February 17, 2018?

About February 17th, 2018, in brief:

  • Historical events: Imran Ali was sentenced to death by the Anti-Terrorism Court of Lahore, Pakistan, for the rape and murder of 7-year-old Zainab Ansari. The victim's family demanded public execution, reflecting the severe public outrage over the heinous crime.
  • Day of the week: February 17th, 2018 was a Saturday
  • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius (in western zodiac), Dog (in Chinese zodiac)
  • Moon Phase: Waxing crescent
  • #1 US song: God's Plan by Drake
  • Popular movie: Lucky directed by John Carroll Lynch

More about February 17th, 2018? See below for more news and curiosities on February 17th, 2018.


February 17, 2018: What happened on that day?

Here's what happened on February 17, 2018:

  • Death Sentence for Zainab Ansari's Murderer Imran Ali was sentenced to death by the Anti-Terrorism Court of Lahore, Pakistan, for the rape and murder of 7-year-old Zainab Ansari. The victim's family demanded public execution, reflecting the severe public outrage over the heinous crime.
  • Historic Olympic Performance by Ester Ledecká Czech skier Ester Ledecká made history by winning the super-G gold medal at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, becoming the first female athlete to win gold in different sports at a single Winter Olympics.
  • 2018 Oaxaca Helicopter Crash During the aftermath of the 2018 Oaxaca earthquakes, a military helicopter assessing damage crashed in Jamiltepec, killing 13 people. The helicopter was carrying high-ranking government officials, including Alejandro Murat Hinojosa (Governor of Oaxaca) and Alfonso Navarrete Prida (Mexico's Secretary for the Interior). These were the only reported deaths related to the earthquake.
  • Yuzuru Hanyu's Figure Skating Triumph Japanese figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu successfully defended his Olympic men's figure skating title by winning gold at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, solidifying his status as a world-class athlete.
  • Lizzy Yarnold's Olympic Achievement British skeleton athlete Lizzy Yarnold won her second consecutive Olympic gold medal in women's skeleton at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, demonstrating exceptional athletic consistency and skill.
  • Terrorist Attack in Nigeria Three suicide bombers killed 18 people in Konduga, located in north-east Nigeria, highlighting ongoing security challenges in the region.
  • Leadership Change in UKIP UK Independence Party (UKIP) members voted to dismiss Henry Bolton as party leader amid personal scandals. Gerard Batten was elected as the interim leader, signaling internal political turbulence.
  • Significant Earthquake in United Kingdom A magnitude 4.4 earthquake struck Swansea, Wales, marking the most powerful earthquake in the United Kingdom in the past decade. The seismic event highlighted the geological activity in the British Isles.

Events in 2018

February 17, 2018: What were the magazines covers and newspapers that day?

LIFE Magazine

Newspapers from Feb. 17, 2018

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February 17, 2018: What were the stock market quotes and exchange rates that day?

Exchange Rates on February 17, 2018:

  • 1 USD = 1.2618 AUD
  • 1 USD = 1.2548 CAD
  • 1 USD = 18.514 MXN
  • 1 EUR = 1.5661 AUD
  • 1 EUR = 1.5562 CAD

What day of the week was February 17, 2018?

February 17, 2018 was a Saturday and it was the 48th day of the year 2018 in the Gregorian calendar.

February 17, 2018 can also be written as 2/17/2018 in the US and as 17/2/2018 in UK and Europe.

February 17, 2018 in February 2018 calendar

February 2018

Birth chart on this day

Discover the planets positions on February 17th, 2018 as well as what the sky looked like at your place

see horoscope and birth chart for February 17, 2018
Planetary positions on  - Geocentric view

February 17, 2018: What famous people died on that day?

Famous people died on February 17, 2018:

  • Daniel Quinn

Famous people who died in 2018

Famous people who died on February 17th

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February 17, 2018: Number 1 song on that day

The number 1 song on February 17, 2018 is the best selling or most popular song as resulting from the music charts in the week February 12th and February 18th. It changes depending on Countries, Music Genres and methodology used to rank the most popular song (for ex., sales, streaming).

February 17, 2018: What was the number 1 song in the USA on that day?

The number 1 song in the USA on February 17, 2018 was God's Plan by Drake, according to the music chart for the week February 12th and February 18th.

  1. - God's Plan youtube
  2. - Perfect youtube
  3. - Finesse youtube
  4. - Havana youtube
  5. - Rockstar youtube

February 17, 2018: What is The Zodiac Sign for that day?

 zodiac sign

The Zodiac and Astrological sign for February 17th is Aquarius.

Discover the zodiac sign and horoscope for any day in the past.

Aquarius is the 11th sign in the Western Zodiac. People born between January 20th and February 18th belong to the Aquarius sign: discover Aquarius personality and who should a Aquarius marry.

Babies born in February are either Aquarius or Pisces. People born before February 18th are Aquarius, while people born from February 19th have the sign of Pisces.

Discover the personality of February born.

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February 17, 2018: What is the Chinese Zodiac Sign for that day?

Dog chinese zodiac sign

The Chinese Zodiac sign for February 17, 2018 is Dog and the associated element is Earth.

Discover the Dog personality and how the Earth Element might affect a person's traits and compatibility with other signs according to the Chinese zodiac.

Try our calculator to discover your Chinese zodiac sign based on your date of birth

February 17, 2018: What was the moon phase on that day?

Moon phase


The moon phase on February 17, 2018 was Waxing crescent.

The moon phase refers to the appearance of the Moon in the night sky on February 17, 2018 and is determined by the portion of the Moon's illuminated surface that is visible from Earth.

An observer located in New York City on February 17, 2018 at 10pm, would see the moon, being 10% full, rising at 07:51 am and setting at 08:29 pm.

The previous full moon was on Jan 31, 2018 while the next full moon would come on Mar 02, 2018.

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Explore Moon Phases in February 2018

Your place in the Universe on February 17, 2018

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How old is someone born on February 17, 2018?

Someone born on February 17, 2018 is:

6 years 11 months old,

or 83 months and 6 days old,

or 361 weeks and 5 days old,

or 2532 days old,

Use our How old am I? Calculator to know the age of a person today or use the Age Calculator to determine the interval between two dates.

How many days until your next birthday if you were born on February 17, 2018?

There are 25 days until your next birthday, which will occur on Monday February 17th 2025.

Try out our Countdown calculator to find out are many days are left until your special moments.

What generation do you belong to if you were born on February 17, 2018?

You belong to the Gen Alpha generation if you were born on February 17, 2018.

Discover what generation people belong to with our generation calculator.

Saturday February 17, 2018