August 18th: What is special about this date?

August 18th marks the 230th day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 231st in case of leap years). There are 135 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on August 18th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to August 18th and what happened on August 18th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about August 18th.


August 18th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On August 18th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Robert Redford
    Robert Redford (1936)

    American actor, director, environmental activist.

  • Mae West
    Mae West (1893)

    Mae west was an american actress, playwright, and screenwriter known for her bawdy and witty persona, and her iconic roles in films such as...

  • Kaitlin Olson
    Kaitlin Olson (1975)

    Kaitlin Olson is an American actress and comedian, best known for her role as Dee Reynolds on the FX/FXX sitcom 'It's Always Sunny in...

  • Patrick Swayze
    Patrick Swayze (1952)

    American stage, tv and film actor, dancer, choreographer, and sex symbol.

  • Edward Norton
    Edward Norton (1969)

    American actor, director, writer, and producer best known for his extraordinary dramatic range.

  • Andy Samberg
    Andy Samberg (1978)

    Andy samberg is an american comedian known for his work on the comedy sketch show 'saturday night live' and for co-founding the comedy group...

  • Alex Honnold
    Alex Honnold (1985)

    Alex honnold is a renowned rock climber known for his free solo ascents of big walls, particularly his historic climb of el capitan in...

  • Christian Slater
    Christian Slater (1969)

    Christian slater is an american actor known for his roles in films such as heathers, true romance, and mr.

  • Roman Polanski
    Roman Polanski (1933)

    French director of film, well-known in france and america for his works such as "chinatown" and "rosemary's baby".

  • Madeleine Stowe
    Madeleine Stowe (1958)

    Madeleine Stowe is an American actress known for her roles in films such as 'The Last of the Mohicans', 'Twelve Monkeys', and 'The General's...

  • See more celebrities born on August 18th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


August 18th: who died on this date?

On August 18th the following celebrities died:

  • Persis Khambatta
    Persis Khambatta (1998)

    East indian actress and model who made her modeling debut when she was just 13.

  • Mildred Davis
    Mildred Davis (1969)

    Actress (haunted spooks), passes away from coronary at the age of 68.

  • Robert Novak
    Robert Novak (2009)

    American journalist and commentator (born in 1931).

  • Ben Cross
    Ben Cross (2020)

    English stage and film actor (b. 1947).

  • John Kerr
    John Kerr (1907)

    18th governor general of australia, an australian politician (d. 1991).

  • Beverly Bayne
    Beverly Bayne (1982)

    Actress (romeo & juliet: passionate youth), died at 87.

  • Kafi Annan (2018)

    Former UN Secretary-General and Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

  • Brigitt Haque (2001)

    Pioneering journalist and human rights activist who made significant contributions to investigative journalism.

  • Walter Chrysler (1940)

    American industrialist who founded chrysler corporation.

  • Tola Rotimi (2000)

    Renowned Nigerian playwright and director.

  • See all famous people who died on August 18th


August 18th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On August 18th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Leo according to the Western Zodiac.

Leo zodiac sign

August 18th: what is special about the Leo sign?

The Leo sign encompasses people born between July 23rd and August 22nd.

You can discover Leo's personality traits and attitude and Leo's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Leo born in August discover why August born are so special.


August 18th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on August 18th in history:

  • Aug 18, 1917: Dutch Naval Air Force forms
  • Aug 18, 1930: Eastern Airlines begins passenger service.
  • Aug 18, 1943: Carl Hubbell wins his 253rd and final game, all with Giants
  • Aug 18, 1948: The Australian cricket team completed a 4 : 0 Ashes series win over England during their undefeated Invincibles tour.
  • Aug 18, 1962: Peter, Paul and Mary release their first hit "If I Had a Hammer".
  • Aug 18, 1978: Memphis Tenn settles with striking police officers and firefighters
  • Aug 18, 1983: Royals defeat Yanks, 5-4, completing pine-tar game (12 minutes). Hal McRae strikes out and Dan Quisenberry retires Yankees in order
  • Aug 18, 1986: Howard Stern Radio Show premieres in Philadelphia PA on WYSP 94.1 FM
  • Aug 18, 1987: Houston Oiler Earl Campbell, retires from NFL
  • Aug 18, 1991: Cindy Rarick wins LPGA Northgate Computer Golf Classic
  • Aug 18, 2006: Ford Motor Company will temporarily close 10 North American plants as it reduces production by 21%.
  • Aug 18, 2013: Syrian civil war: Twenty UN weapons inspectors arrive in Damascus to investigate the use of chemical weapons during the conflict.

What day of the year is August 18th?

August 18th marks the 230th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 231st in case of leap years).

There are 135 days remaining until the end of the year.

August 18th is the 18th day of the month of August.