November 1912 calendar

November 1912

Learn the most interesting events and historical facts that happened in November 1912.
The US president was William Howard Taft (Republican), the UK Prime Minister was H. H. Asquith (Liberal), Pope Pius X was leading the Catholic Church.

But much more happened on November 1912: find out below


Historical Events

Which were the important events of November 1912?


  • 05 Nov 1912 Arizona, Kansas andWisconsin vote for female suffrage
  • 07 Nov 1912 The Deutsche Opernhaus (now Deutsche Oper Berlin) opens in the Berlin neighborhood of Charlottenburg, with a production of Beethoven's Fidelio.
  • 12 Nov 1912 The frozen bodies of Robert Scott and his men are found on the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica.
  • 18 Nov 1912 Albania declares independence from Turkey.
  • 23 Nov 1912 Hamilton Alerts suspended by ORFU for refusing to field a full team in a replay of a protested game
  • 25 Nov 1912 Socialist International rejects that world war is coming
  • 27 Nov 1912 Spanish protectorate in Morocco established.
  • 28 Nov 1912 Albania declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire.
  • 30 Nov 1912 4th CFL Grey Cup: Hamilton Alerts defeats Toronto Argonauts, 11-4
  • 02 Nov 1912 Bulgaria defeats the Ottoman Empire in the Battle of Lule Burgas, the bloodiest battle of the First Balkan War, which opens her way to Constantinople.
vinyl songs

Music charts

Which were the top hits in November 1912?
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Top #5 songs in the USA

  1. - On a Beautiful Night with a Beautiful Girl
  2. - Mary Was My Mother's Name
  3. - In Ragtime Land
  4. - Everybody Two-Step
  5. - I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen


Which were the most popular Movies released in that month?