June 1904 calendar

June 1904

Learn the most interesting events and historical facts that happened in June 1904.
The US president was Theodore Roosevelt (Republican), the UK Prime Minister was Arthur Balfour (Conservative), Pope Pius X was leading the Catholic Church.

But much more happened on June 1904: find out below


Historical Events

Which were the important events of June 1904?


  • 02 Jun 1904 Professor Schron finds microbe that causes photosynthesis
  • 06 Jun 1904 National Tuberculosis Association organized, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
  • 10 Jun 1904 Irish author James Joyce meets his future wife Nora Barnacle.
  • 11 Jun 1904 German Lieutenant General Lothar von Trotha lands in Swapokmund, SW-Africa
  • 14 Jun 1904 Dutch troops occupies Kuto Reh, Sumatra, killing all inhabitants
  • 15 Jun 1904 A fire aboard the steamboat SS General Slocum in New York City's East River kills 1,000.
  • 16 Jun 1904 Eugen Schauman assassinates Nikolai Bobrikov, Governor-General of Finland.
  • 21 Jun 1904 Boston Herald tells of Red Sox trade Dougherty as a Yankee, 1st known reference to New York club as Yankees
  • 28 Jun 1904 International Anti-Military Cooperation (IAMV) forms in Amsterdam
  • 29 Jun 1904 2 prehistoric bones found in Weerdingerveen, Drenthe
  • 28 Jun 1904 The SS  runs aground on Hasselwood Rock in the North Atlantic 430 kilometres (270 mi) northwest of Ireland. More than 635 people die during the sinking.
vinyl songs

Music charts

Which were the top hits in June 1904?
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Top #5 songs in the USA

  1. - Aida - Celeste Aida (Heavenly Aida)
  2. - Evening Time at Pumpkin Center
  3. - Toyland
  4. - The Ghost That Never Walked
  5. - Blue Bell


Which were the most popular Movies released in that month?