The Highlights of 1929: A Year That Shaped the Future


1929 (MCMXXIX in Roman Numerals) was the year starting on Tuesday of the Gregorian calendar, the 1929th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations.

Is 1929 a year special to you? Discover what 1929 was famous for, Key World Leaders of 1929, 1929 Time’s Person of the Year, the #1 song, movie and book in 1929, how old is someone born in 1929 and what Chinese zodiac sign is associated to 1929.

On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about 1929 to help you enjoy your trip down memory lane.


What was 1929 known for ?

  • The torch passed from President Calvin Coolidge to America’s 31st president, Herbert Hoover, on March 4th of 1929. At this time, census numbers place the world population at just over 2.1 billion.
  • The most common names for newborns at the time were Robert and, just like many years prior, Mary. Included among these bundles of joy were famous Civil Rights leader, Martin Luther King Junior; a famous female fashion designer, Liz Claiborne; a future Canadian Prime Minster, John Turney; and a future first lady, Jacqueline Kennedy. As the sun rose on those four, this year also saw the passing of Wyatt Earp, Karl Benz, and Elijah McCoy.
  • These 364 days also saw changes to Sunday comics, a tragedy that forever changed February 14th, and the establishment of Grand Teton National Park. Libraries had a hard time keeping books like All Quiet on the Western Front, A Farewell to Arms, and The Sound and the Fury on the shelves. In contrast, on the silver screen, movies like Pandora’s Box, The Broadway Melody, and The Cocoanauts shot to the top of the box office charts.
  • Whether you knew it or not, a lot of things did not exist until 1929. These items include sci-fi (Buck Rogers) and first adventure-based (Tarzan) comic strips, the Academy Awards, and nudist organizations. Even if they were not the first in the world, some other notable things happened: the forming of the USA’s Seeing Eye Guide Dog Organization, the expulsion of Trotsky from Russia, the arrival of Mother Theresa in Calcutta, the withdrawal of British troops from Germany in September, and the invention of the car radio. Sadly, some tragedies also marred these 365 days. Mobsters killed eight during the Valentine’s day massacre. The worst thing of all occurred on October 29th as the Dow Jones plummeted and marked the beginnings of the Great Depression. While this would help make Hoover synonymous with an item used for sucking, the vacuum, this year also saw him grant his name to the Boulder Dam.
  • For everyone who loves headbanging on the highway, or loved their first reading of All Quiet on the Western Front, they owe some measure of gratitude to the year 1929.

1929 historical events  Famous people born in 1929  Famous deaths in 1929Popular Baby Names in 1929

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Key World Leaders of 1929

Who was the U.S. President in 1929?

In 1929, Calvin Coolidge (Republican) was President of the United States until March 04, 1929; on March 04, 1929, Herbert Hoover (Republican) was appointed as the new President of the United States.

Who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1929?

In 1929, Stanley Baldwin (Conservative) was the UK Prime Minister until June 04, 1929; on June 05, 1929 Ramsay MacDonald (Labour) was appointed as the new UK Prime Minister.

Who was the Pope in 1929?

The leader of the Catholic Church in 1929 was Pope Pius XI who had held the papacy since 1922. His pontificate saw the signing of the Lateran Treaty, which established Vatican City as an independent state and promoted Catholic Action against totalitarian regimes.

world population

1929: Who was Time's Person of the Year?

Owen D. Young
In 1929, Owen D. Young was named by TIME magazine as Person of the Year. Young chaired a committee which authored 1929's Young Plan, a program for settlement of German reparations after World War I.
vinyl songs

What was the number 1 song in the USA in 1929?

The number 1 song in the USA in 1929, i.e. the best selling and most popular song of tha year, was More Than You Know by Ruth Etting

cinema movies

What was the most popular movie in 1929?

The most popular movie and box office hit was The Broadway Melody by Harry Beaumont

The Broadway Melody
cinema movies

What was the best selling book in 1929?

A Farewell to Arms
cinema movies

How old is someone born in 1929?

Someone born in 1929 is 96 years old this year.

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Snake chinese zodiac sign

What was the Chinese Zodiac sign associated with the year 1929?

According to the Chinese Zodiac and Astrology 1929 was the Year of the Snake.

Discover Zodiac Sign Characteristics and Personality Traits of people born under the Snake sign.