August 27th: What is special about this date?

August 27th marks the 239th day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 240th in case of leap years). There are 126 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on August 27th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to August 27th and what happened on August 27th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about August 27th.


August 27th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On August 27th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Aaron Paul
    Aaron Paul (1979)

    Aaron Paul is an Emmy Award-winning actor known for his role as Jesse Pinkman in the TV series Breaking Bad.

  • Tom Ford
    Tom Ford (1961)

    Ford, an american fashion designer and entrepreneur, started his career as an actor.

  • Paul Reubens
    Paul Reubens (1952)

    American comedian, better known as pee wee herman.

  • Tuesday Weld
    Tuesday Weld (1943)

    American actress, who was 21 years old, had appeared in over 100 tv shows and a dozen movies.

  • Peter Stormare
    Peter Stormare (1953)

    Swedish actor, director, and playwright.

  • Neha Dhupia
    Neha Dhupia (1980)

    Indian actress and model.

  • Chandra Wilson
    Chandra Wilson (1969)

    Chandra Wilson is an American actress known for her role as Dr. Miranda Bailey on the TV series Grey's Anatomy.

  • Harry Reems
    Harry Reems (1947)

    American porn actor (d. 2013).

  • Antonia Fraser
    Antonia Fraser (1932)

    English author of historical biographies and detective stories, as well as a variety of mysteries and magazine articles.

  • Martha Raye
    Martha Raye (1916)

    American entertainer.

  • See more celebrities born on August 27th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


August 27th: who died on this date?

On August 27th the following celebrities died:

  • Jinx Falkenburg
    Jinx Falkenburg (2003)

    American actress known for her work in films and television.

  • Greg Morris
    Greg Morris (1996)

    American actor.

  • Gracie Allen
    Gracie Allen (1964)

    American comedian and actress (born 1895).

  • Gabbie Petito (2021)

    Gabbie Petito was an American vlogger whose disappearance and death gained widespread media attention.

  • Bharat Ratna (2018)

    Bharat Ratna was an Indian statesman and the first Prime Minister of India.

  • Margaret Bourke-White (1971)

    Margaret Bourke-White was an American photographer and photojournalist who is best known for her work documenting the Great Depression and...

  • Rishikesh Mukherjee (2006)

    Renowned Indian film director known for his realistic and humanistic approach to filmmaking.

  • Jaysiah Washington (2005)

    Jaysiah Washington was a prominent civil rights activist who fought for racial equality and social justice in the United States.

  • Tryson Wapakhabulo (2004)

    Renowned diplomat known for his international contributions.

  • Haile Selassie (1975)

    Haile selassie was the emperor of ethiopia and a prominent figure in the pan-african movement, known for his efforts to modernize ethiopia...

  • See all famous people who died on August 27th


August 27th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On August 27th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Virgo according to the Western Zodiac.

Virgo zodiac sign

August 27th: what is special about the Virgo sign?

The Virgo sign encompasses people born between August 23rd and September 22nd.

You can discover Virgo's personality traits and attitude and Virgo's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Virgo born in August discover why August born are so special.


August 27th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on August 27th in history:

  • Aug 27, 1933: Earl Averill becomes 2nd Cleveland ballplayer to hit for cycle Moody defaults in 3rd set, trailing 3-0
  • Aug 27, 1943: World War II: Japanese forces evacuate New Georgia Island in the Pacific Theater of Operations during World War II.
  • Aug 27, 1957: Hickory Smoke wins Hambletonian Stakes
  • Aug 27, 1960: Anita Lonsbrough swims world / olympic record 200m
  • Aug 27, 1975: 1st night match at US Tennis Open (Parun defeats Smith)
  • Aug 27, 1977: Chicago closes at 46th St. Theater NYC after 947 performances
  • Aug 27, 1983: Haiti adopts constitution
  • Aug 27, 1990: Brewers-Blue Jays game is delayed 35 minutes due to gnats
  • Aug 27, 1994: Laughter on the 23rd Floor closes at R Rodgers NYC after 320 performances
  • Aug 27, 2000: Three people are killed when the Ostankino Tower, Moscow, is set on fire at 540 metres (1,772 feet) tall.
  • Aug 27, 2006: Comair Flight 5191 crashes at takeoff from Blue Grass Airport, Lexington, Kentucky, bound for Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, Atlanta, Georgia. 49 of the 50 passengers and crew were confirmed dead within hours after the crash.
  • Aug 27, 2008: Alberto Gonzales resigns as US Attorney General as of September 17.

What day of the year is August 27th?

August 27th marks the 239th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 240th in case of leap years).

There are 126 days remaining until the end of the year.

August 27th is the 27th day of the month of August.