August 16th: What is special about this date?

August 16th marks the 228th day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 229th in case of leap years). There are 137 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on August 16th, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to August 16th and what happened on August 16th in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about August 16th.


August 16th: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On August 16th there are the following famous birthdays:

  • James Cameron
    James Cameron (1954)

    James cameron is a canadian film director known for creating blockbuster movies such as titanic and avatar.

  • Kathie Lee Gifford
    Kathie Lee Gifford (1953)

    Kathie lee gifford is a television host, singer, and author, best known for co-hosting the talk show 'live! with regis and kathie lee' and...

  • Angela Bassett
    Angela Bassett (1958)

    Angela bassett is an american actress known for her powerful performances in films such as what's love got to do with it, waiting to exhale,...

  • Steve Carell
    Steve Carell (1962)

    Carell, an american actor and writer is considered one comedyaeur(tm),'s rising talents.

  • Pierre Richard
    Pierre Richard (1934)

    French film director and actor, he is considered one of the most gifted and talented comedians in france.

  • Rumer Willis
    Rumer Willis (1988)

    American actress and singer, the child of bruce willis (and wife demi) moore.

  • Vanessa Carlton
    Vanessa Carlton (1980)

    Vanessa carlton is a pop singer known for her hit song 'a thousand miles' and her successful music career.

  • Cam Gigandet
    Cam Gigandet (1982)

    Cam gigandet is an american actor known for his roles in popular tv shows and movies such as 'the o.c.

  • Clovis Cornillac
    Clovis Cornillac (1968)

    French actor in television, film and theater.

  • Julie Newmar
    Julie Newmar (1933)

    American singer, actress, and dancer.

  • See more celebrities born on August 16th

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


August 16th: who died on this date?

On August 16th the following celebrities died:

  • Elvis Presley
    Elvis Presley (1977)

    American pop singer.

  • Margaret Mitchell
    Margaret Mitchell (1949)

    American author of "gone with the wind", a book she wrote over ten years.

  • Peter Fonda
    Peter Fonda (2019)

    American actor, screenwriter, and producer.

  • Stewart Granger
    Stewart Granger (1993)

    Tall, dark, and debonair, this british actor was a major adventure star in the 1950s.

  • Amanda Blake
    Amanda Blake (1989)

    American actress gunsmoke dies at the age of 60.

  • Phil Leeds
    Phil Leeds (1998)

    American actor (d. 1998).

  • William Windom
    William Windom (2012)

    American actor (d. 2012).

  • Anna Kashfi
    Anna Kashfi (2015)

    Actress from india-america (d. 2015).

  • Louis Jouvet
    Louis Jouvet (1951)

    French theatre director, designer, stage worker, teacher, and stage administrator before his film and acting careers.

  • John Hurley
    John Hurley (1986)

    At 45, a song writer (son a preacher man) dies.

  • See all famous people who died on August 16th


August 16th: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On August 16th, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Leo according to the Western Zodiac.

Leo zodiac sign

August 16th: what is special about the Leo sign?

The Leo sign encompasses people born between July 23rd and August 22nd.

You can discover Leo's personality traits and attitude and Leo's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Leo born in August discover why August born are so special.


August 16th: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on August 16th in history:

  • Aug 16, 1904: New York City begins building Grand Central Station
  • Aug 16, 1913: Tōhoku Imperial University of Japan (modern day Tohoku University) becomes the first university in Japan to admit female students.
  • Aug 16, 1919: August 26 ampndash First Silesian Uprising: The Poles in Upper Silesia rise against the Germans.
  • Aug 16, 1930: The first color sound cartoon, called Fiddlesticks, is made by Ub Iwerks.
  • Aug 16, 1943: 1st Long Tom bombs on Italian mainland (from Sicily)
  • Aug 16, 1948: Arabs blow up Latrun pumping station in Jerusalem
  • Aug 16, 1962: Ringo Starr replaces Pete Best as Beatle drummer
  • Aug 16, 1983: Paul Simon weds Carrie Fisher
  • Aug 16, 1987: Val Skinner wins LPGA MasterCard International Golf Pro-Am
  • Aug 16, 1991: Belgium census is 10,000,963 inhabitants
  • Aug 16, 2006: John Mark Karr was arrested in Bangkok after being accused of the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, a child beauty queen from the United States.
  • Aug 16, 2013: Aftermath of the 2013 Egyptian coup d’etat: Security is increased in Cairo amid Friday prayers and nationwide protest marches called for by the Muslim Brotherhood. (AlJazeera.) Ammar Badei is the son of Mohammed Badie who is the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. He was killed during clashes in Cairo.

What day of the year is August 16th?

August 16th marks the 228th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 229th in case of leap years).

There are 137 days remaining until the end of the year.

August 16th is the 16th day of the month of August.