January 1st: What is special about this date?

January 1st marks the 1st day of the Gregorian calendar year. There are 364 days remaining until the end of the year (or 365 days in case of leap years). Discover famous birthdays on January 1st, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to January 1st and what happened on January 1st in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about January 1st.


January 1st: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On January 1st there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Vidya Balan
    Vidya Balan (1978)

    Vidya balan is an indian actress and model known for her versatile roles in bollywood films, particularly for her performances in...

  • Nana Patekar
    Nana Patekar (1951)

    Nana patekar is an indian stage and film actor known for his intense performances in both mainstream and art house films.

  • Hiep Thi Le
    Hiep Thi Le (1971)

    Vietnamese-American actress known for her role in the film 'Heaven & Earth'.

  • Grandmaster Flash
    Grandmaster Flash (1958)

    Grandmaster flash is a pioneering dj and hip-hop artist known for his innovative turntable techniques and influential contributions to the...

  • Anju Mahendru
    Anju Mahendru (1952)

    Anju Mahendru is an Indian actress who has appeared in several Bollywood films and television shows.

  • Maurice Béjart
    Maurice Béjart (1927)

    French choreographer, dancer, ballet director, and choreographer; his style combines jazz, avant-garde and non-traditional dance forms.

  • Fatima Sana Shaikh
    Fatima Sana Shaikh (1992)

    Fatima sana shaikh is an indian actress known for her role as geeta phogat in the film dangal.

  • Morris Chestnut
    Morris Chestnut (1969)

    American actor known for his roles in films like 'Boyz n the Hood' and 'The Best Man'.

  • Frank Langella
    Frank Langella (1938)

    American actor and legitimate theater producer.

  • Sonali Bendre
    Sonali Bendre (1975)

    Indian actress and model.

  • See more celebrities born on January 1st

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


January 1st: who died on this date?

On January 1st the following celebrities died:

  • Cesar Romero
    Cesar Romero (1994)

    Cuban-american actor (joker, batman, falcon crest) dies from complications of bronchitis (born 1907).

  • Margaret Sullavan
    Margaret Sullavan (1960)

    American actress who achieved her greatest fame in the 1943 stage production "voice of the turtle.

  • Donna Douglas
    Donna Douglas (2015)

    American actress (b. 1932).

  • Ray Walston
    Ray Walston (2001)

    American actor, most famous for his role in the tv sitcom "my favorite martian".

  • Juanita Moore
    Juanita Moore (2014)

    Juanita Moore was an American film and television actress, best known for her Academy Award-nominated role in the film Imitation of Life.

  • Barton MacLane
    Barton MacLane (1969)

    Barton MacLane was a popular actor who appeared in numerous films and television shows.

  • Victor Buono
    Victor Buono (1982)

    Actor (mr schubert man from atlantis), is killed at 43.

  • June Clayworth
    June Clayworth (1993)

    Actress (bodyguard and criminal court), succumbs to lymphoma.

  • Gertrude Michael
    Gertrude Michael (1965)

    Actress (caged cleopatra), who dies at 53.

  • See all famous people who died on January 1st


January 1st: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On January 1st, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Capricorn according to the Western Zodiac.

Capricorn zodiac sign

January 1st: what is special about the Capricorn sign?

The Capricorn sign encompasses people born between December 22nd and January 19th.

You can discover Capricorn's personality traits and attitude and Capricorn's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Capricorn born in January discover why January born are so special.


January 1st: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on January 1st in history:

  • Jan 1, 1900: Hawaii asks for a delegate at the U.S. Republican National Convention.
  • Jan 1, 1905: The Trans-Siberian Railway officially opens after its completion on July 21, 1904.
  • Jan 1, 1909: Drilling begins on the Lakeview Gusher.
  • Jan 1, 1915: Jews of Laibach Austria expelled.
  • Jan 1, 1935: Eastern Airlines hires Eddie Rickenbacker as GM
  • Jan 1, 1952: Dmitri Shostakovitch completes his 5th string quartet
  • Jan 1, 1959: Highway 91 in Nevada is officially renamed Las Vegas Boulevard.
  • Jan 1, 1988: Year of the Reader begins
  • Jan 1, 1995: Glass Menagerie closes at Criterion Theater NYC after 57 performances
  • Jan 1, 2002: Twelve member states of the European Union have made euro banknotes and euros coins legal tender.
  • Jan 1, 2004: A vote of confidence was cast for General Pervez Musharraf, who wins 658 of 1,170 votes in Electoral College of Pakistan. According to Article 41(8) of Constitution of Pakistan, he is ''deemed elected'' to the office of President, until October 2007.
  • Jan 1, 2014: Six people were killed when six Indonesian police officers opened fire on suspected militants in Jakarta.

What day of the year is January 1st?

January 1st marks the 1st day of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

There are 364 days remaining until the end of the year (or 365 days in case of leap years).

January 1st is the 1st day of the month of January.