June 1st: What is special about this date?

June 1st marks the 152nd day of the Gregorian calendar year (or the 153rd in case of leap years). There are 213 days remaining until the end of the year. Discover famous birthdays on June 1st, celebrities died on this date, the zodiac sign associated to June 1st and what happened on June 1st in history. On this page we will address all your questions and curiosities about June 1st.


June 1st: what famous birthdays are on this date?

On June 1st there are the following famous birthdays:

  • Marilyn Monroe
    Marilyn Monroe (1926)

    American actress, singer, model and actress.

  • Walt Whitman
    Walt Whitman (1819)

    Walt whitman was an american poet known for his influential work 'leaves of grass', which celebrated the human spirit and individuality.

  • Bekim Fehmiu
    Bekim Fehmiu (1936)

    Bekim Fehmiu was a renowned Yugoslav actor and entrepreneur who founded several successful businesses.

  • Amy Schumer
    Amy Schumer (1981)

    Amy schumer is a comedian known for her stand-up comedy, acting, and writing, as well as her outspoken and often controversial humor.

  • Morgan Freeman
    Morgan Freeman (1937)

    He was an american actor who won the academy award for best supporting actor in 2005 for his role as million dollar baby.

  • Mario Cimarro
    Mario Cimarro (1971)

    Cuban-american singer and actor.

  • Sarah Wayne Callies
    Sarah Wayne Callies (1977)

    Sarah wayne callies is an american actress known for her roles in popular tv shows such as 'prison break' and 'the walking dead'.

  • Jennifer Coolidge
    Jennifer Coolidge (1961)

    American comedian and actress, best known for her role as "stifler’s mom", which is a prominent part in american pie films.

  • Andy Griffith
    Andy Griffith (1926)

    American actor, singer, and tv actor.

  • Pat Boone
    Pat Boone (1934)

    American actor and singer who sold 18,000,000 records before he turned 24.

  • See more celebrities born on June 1st

How to check someone's birthday?

If you’re looking for a person's birth date, have a look at our Birthday Search Guide


June 1st: who died on this date?

On June 1st the following celebrities died:

  • David Ruffin
    David Ruffin (1991)

    Mississippi, united states -- vocalist.

  • Richard Greene
    Richard Greene (1985)

    Plymouth, england -- actor (adventures of robin hood).

  • Jack Mulhall
    Jack Mulhall (1979)

    Actor (buck rogers held for ransom), is killed at 91.

  • Howard Ralston
    Howard Ralston (1992)

    Actor (pollyana).

  • Mary Kornman
    Mary Kornman (1973)

    Actress (desert trail swing it professor), is killed at 57.

  • Daniel Burnham (1912)

    American architect of note.

  • Miniya Shabazz (1979)

    American civil rights activist and daughter of Malcolm X..

  • Leslie Howard (1943)

    British actor, whose films include "major barbara," the scarlet pimpernel and "gone with the wind.

  • Lizzie Borden (1927)

    Lizzie Borden was an American journalist and writer who gained notoriety for her alleged involvement in the 1892 murders of her father and...

  • Diamond Lil (1967)

    Diamond Lil is a renowned journalist known for her investigative reporting.

  • See all famous people who died on June 1st


June 1st: what zodiac sign is associated with this date?

On June 1st, the zodiac sign associated with this date is Gemini according to the Western Zodiac.

Gemini zodiac sign

June 1st: what is special about the Gemini sign?

The Gemini sign encompasses people born between May 21st and June 20th.

You can discover Gemini's personality traits and attitude and Gemini's most and least compatible signs.

If you're a Gemini born in June discover why June born are so special.


June 1st: what happened on this date in history?

Here's what happened on June 1st in history:

  • Jun 1, 1900: British army occupiers Pretoria South-Africa
  • Jun 1, 1905: Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition opens in Portland, Oregon.
  • Jun 1, 1909: (to October 16) The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition is held in Seattle, Washington.
  • Jun 1, 1910: SC Enschede soccer team forms in Enschede
  • Jun 1, 1935: Driving test and license plates introduced in England
  • Jun 1, 1952: Betsy Rawls wins LPGA Cross Country Weathervane Golf Tournament
  • Jun 1, 1959: 2-time champ Monterrey Mexico barred from 1959 Little League competition for using players outside predetermined geographical area
  • Jun 1, 1988: Les Miserables, opens at Shubert Theatre, LA
  • Jun 1, 1995: 68th National Spelling Bee: Justin Tyler Carroll wins spelling xanthosis
  • Jun 1, 1999: American Airlines Flight 1420 slides and crashes while landing at Little Rock National Airport, killing 11 people on a flight from Dallas to Little Rock.
  • Jun 1, 2004: RoC Premier Yu Shyikun was prevented from delivering a crucial government report to the Legislative Yuan for six hours after opposition lawmakers refused to recognize President Chen Shuibian's narrow reelection victory on March 20. They tore up the report and unfurled banners, placards, and signs with the words "no truth", "bogus regime" and "no president".
  • Jun 1, 2014: Islamist insurgency: At least 40 people were killed in a bombing that took place at a football match in Mubi, northeastern Nigeria. (AFP via Global Post). Two priests from Italy and a nun from Canada were kidnapped by Boko Haram gunmen. They have since been released.

What day of the year is June 1st?

June 1st marks the 152nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (or the 153rd in case of leap years).

There are 213 days remaining until the end of the year.

June 1st is the 1st day of the month of June.


June 1st: What are the Holidays, Observances and Saints celebrated on that day?